Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Re: breakkkkk

Why are some people so constantly glued to their technological devices? Seriously, I mean you can't even go an hour without texting, going on facebook, looking at instagram etc? Today at my grandma's house we had a more private and intimate memorial service for my aunt who passed away in replacement of the big one that was cancelled due to her well umm…. extremely difficult family (Oh god, I am NOT even going into that). I thought it was nice since it was everything my aunt personally requested to be played, sang, and spoken before she died. It felt more genuine hearing everyone's thoughts, feelings, stories, and memories in a more intimate setting as opposed to a large church service. What really upset me was that my cousin, and my aunt's friend who were there were texting during the hymns that were we being played. I'm not into that stuff either, but I still enjoyed listening to them in this context. A memorial service isn't there to entertain you, it's to honor the person who has passed away. It's just so unbelievable disrespectful in my opinion to be texting, facebooking, or whatever during the brief time you are there to honor someone's life. People seriously need to put their cell phones down once in awhile.

God, that's awful. I would feel exactly the same as you do. Even if you're dying of boredom inside, at least PRETEND to pay attention, for the sake of the family.

I really do hate the constant connection to social media and texting and all of that. And like Mikey said, it is only going to get worse. I'm excited for new technology and I don't want to be one of those life-was-so-much-better-back-in-the-old-days people (because the past is always idealized), but this aspect of technology really really does scare me.

People were afraid the radio would turn people into mindless drones, and the same with TV, and every new advancement in entertainment technology. I think some of their fears were realized, but maybe not to the exaggerated extent they anticipated. With mobile devices, though, it seems to be truly as bad as many feared it would be.


Well-known member
Dreamt about some girl who's a friend of a few friends of mine. Don't even know her name, only spent some time with her once a year ago or so (birthday of one of those friends). Weird, considering she was a big part of the dream for a long time.

Later on had a sort of lucid dream where I punched my grandma in the face.
I don't know how so many people are comfortable living with large dogs. I like them when they get used to me and aren't jumping all over me and barking and stuff, but if I owned one I think I'd have this constant fear that one day the dog would attack me. I'd always be nervous around it.

I'm not a dog hater - I really love how affectionate they are and always so eager to play, unlike most cats - but they have always made me nervous and the bigger and scarier-looking the dog is, the more I think, "How can you own this creature and feel safe!?" But I suppose many people feel safe because they own a dog.

It's embarrassing when I go over someone's house for the first time and they have a dog (worse when there's more than one) and even though the dog is usually just excited and checking me out, I get sooo uneasy and it's hard to disguise how nervous I feel and I feel like I'm insulting the owner somehow, but I really can't help it. I don't like large powerful creatures with excessive energy and sharp teeth throwing themselves against me O_O


Well-known member
I think the solution is to become a large, powerful human with excessive energy. Easier said than done. :p


Well-known member
Re: breakkkkk

God, that's awful. I would feel exactly the same as you do. Even if you're dying of boredom inside, at least PRETEND to pay attention, for the sake of the family.

I really do hate the constant connection to social media and texting and all of that. And like Mikey said, it is only going to get worse. I'm excited for new technology and I don't want to be one of those life-was-so-much-better-back-in-the-old-days people (because the past is always idealized), but this aspect of technology really really does scare me.

People were afraid the radio would turn people into mindless drones, and the same with TV, and every new advancement in entertainment technology. I think some of their fears were realized, but maybe not to the exaggerated extent they anticipated. With mobile devices, though, it seems to be truly as bad as many feared it would be.


Well-known member
I will say that I have never seen anything in real life as bad as is depicted in those photos.

Of course human nature just makes these things worse, I think. I don't have a facebook and am glad half of the time that I don't have a smart phone (I have an old samsung flip phone) because I fear I would become that type of person--someone who is a slave to their phone. And it's because I've always had a strong desire to be like everyone else and "fit in". I think the reason for having this desire to such a strong, irrational degree, is because I lived a very sheltered life growing up; I was always home schooled and only interact with other kids once or twice a week.

I've read other things that give reasons for the extreme use of facebook/phones(texting)/any social media. And have heard it said that, as I just said, a big part of it is the social nature of humans. Wanting to be accepted, liked, fit in, etc. And with features like comments, likes (in all the different forms), view counts, ratings, etc, it makes it easy to get sucked in and if you get sucked in too far, makes it very hard to get out.

I know I personally experience this with DeviantArt.


Well-known member
I don't know how so many people are comfortable living with large dogs. I like them when they get used to me and aren't jumping all over me and barking and stuff, but if I owned one I think I'd have this constant fear that one day the dog would attack me. I'd always be nervous around it.

I'm not a dog hater - I really love how affectionate they are and always so eager to play, unlike most cats - but they have always made me nervous and the bigger and scarier-looking the dog is, the more I think, "How can you own this creature and feel safe!?" But I suppose many people feel safe because they own a dog.

It's embarrassing when I go over someone's house for the first time and they have a dog (worse when there's more than one) and even though the dog is usually just excited and checking me out, I get sooo uneasy and it's hard to disguise how nervous I feel and I feel like I'm insulting the owner somehow, but I really can't help it. I don't like large powerful creatures with excessive energy and sharp teeth throwing themselves against me O_O
^ I love big dogs. I find them to be so much more cuddly than little ankle-biters, or at least that's what my experience has been. The woman who cuts my hair has a Great Pyrenees that I absolutely adore. She's such a sweetheart, I call her a polar bear because she's so big, white, and fluffy. When I first met her though, I have to admit I was slightly intimidated because of her size. I think it's normal to be at least a little uncomfortable around animals you don't know, especially if they're bigger than you are. I know I sometimes feel uneasy around other people's animals too, but for the most part I'm okay with them. I think I might actually feel more comfortable around their pets than the people themselves. :giggle:

Ah yes, forgot about that quote. I'd say it fits pretty well with how things are shaping up surrounding mobile technology. We'll see what happens in the years to come...

^ I love big dogs. I find them to be so much more cuddly than little ankle-biters, or at least that's what my experience has been. The woman who cuts my hair has a Great Pyrenees that I absolutely adore. She's such a sweetheart, I call her a polar bear because she's so big, white, and fluffy. When I first met her though, I have to admit I was slightly intimidated because of her size. I think it's normal to be at least a little uncomfortable around animals you don't know, especially if they're bigger than you are. I know I sometimes feel uneasy around other people's animals too, but for the most part I'm okay with them. I think I might actually feel more comfortable around their pets than the people themselves. :giggle:

I do like big cuddly dogs when they're especially sweet. My cousin and his roommate have a couple dogs and while they're both sweeties, one of them is the biggest sap I've ever met. He'll crawl on top of you and stretch his whole body across you until his head is up by yours and resting on your shoulder and he just lays there, gazing at you or licking your face. He looks like he's in love. Except he does it to everyone, of course. He really made me want a dog. I adore my cat but sometimes her aloofness makes me sad, haha. I want a cuddle buddy! :crying:

The small dogs are the ones you need to look out for. :eek:

I've heard that before and I suppose you're right. The size of large dogs is what scares me, but they usually calm down quickly, whereas many of the small dogs I've met continue to be jumpy and hyperactive even after you've been around them a while. I especially dislike Shih Tzus.


Well-known member
Yeah, I mean, it seems like a lot of small dogs try to compensate for their lack of size with lots of energy--barking a lot as loud and ferocious as they can, etc. At least with terriers. Even the terrier I had, that my parents said was the calmest/quietest one they have ever seen, still would get really worked up at times running around, barking as loudly and ferociously as he could, acting like he could destroy anything or anyone.

He would never harm anyone know, but he had a good fierce act.


The small dogs are the ones you need to look out for. :eek:

I disagree.

I used to live across the road from a guy with a German Shepherd... and one day I made the mistake of making eye contact with it. After that day, the thing would bark and try to get off of its leash whenever it saw me... and it probably could have ripped me to shreds.

I usually don't hate animals but I would have definitely killed that dog if I could have gotten away with it... I didn't feel safe in my own neighborhood.


Well-known member
I disagree.

I used to live across the road from a guy with a German Shepherd... and one day I made the mistake of making eye contact with it. After that day, the thing would bark and try to get off of its leash whenever it saw me... and it probably could have ripped me to shreds.

I usually don't hate animals but I would have definitely killed that dog if I could have gotten away with it... I didn't feel safe in my own neighborhood.

Well, I'm certainly not saying that all large dogs should be trusted completely and without question. That would be silly.


Well-known member
Yeah, I mean, it seems like a lot of small dogs try to compensate for their lack of size with lots of energy--barking a lot as loud and ferocious as they can, etc. At least with terriers. Even the terrier I had, that my parents said was the calmest/quietest one they have ever seen, still would get really worked up at times running around, barking as loudly and ferociously as he could, acting like he could destroy anything or anyone.

He would never harm anyone know, but he had a good fierce act.

Haha sounds like somebody I know.

I agree to some extent; however, I don't think dogs suffer from short man syndrome like we do. I believe it has something to do with surface area relative to their size. Smaller animals tend to have a higher metabolism due to greater heat loss. Something about science or whatever.


Well-known member
Have yet another headache today, it's so gloomy outside... it's been raining here so often here lately. Suggested to my mother that I get a solar lamp cause I believe the weather has some affect on my moods and my step father of course had something negative to say about it..... anything I suggest he tends to beat it down. Cause in his mind, "he's always right and he believes it'll cause a fire hazard in my bedroom." I'm so tired of having these headaches and I heard they work. Not sure what to do about this. :(