Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I typically have 3 on my bed, and normally that's fine.


After I spent nearly a week away recently, they seem to be a bit insecure and clingy. I keep waking up in the middle of the night with Ollie on my face, either kneading my lips or just trying to sleep there.

Like this:


Hahaha. That image (without the creepy image of the alien thing) is hilarious. I WISH my cat did that. She sleeps with my younger sister every night, even when she sometimes sleeps in a different room than usual. Wherever my sister is, the cat is curled up on her legs or in the crook of her arm. Sometimes... I get... jealous :sad:

I was interviewed for a clinical study about social anxiety and memory, but after the interview the lady told me I would fit better with their study about emotion and memory (hmm...), so tomorrow morning I have an appointment to be evaluated for said study.

I'm excited because I've always been curious about being a patient in those studies, and I finally might be doing one. I mean, I might be turned down for it, but the lady on the phone seemed pretty sure. I guess I'll find out. And $200 compensation's not bad either, heh.

Only thing is, the study involves being given two 90-minute MRI sessions, which sounds like a long time to be in that coffin-like machine. Maybe that's why the compensation's what it is (although I don't know what the average amount is, maybe that's not even that much).


Well-known member
Wow, 90 minutes? That does sound like a long time. What are you supposed to do while you are in there? Think of different things to trigger different emotions, or just sleep? =P
Wow, 90 minutes? That does sound like a long time. What are you supposed to do while you are in there? Think of different things to trigger different emotions, or just sleep? =P

Haha, I don't know! The lady on the phone said I'd be given a number of tasks to do, but she didn't elaborate.


Well-known member
I was interviewed for a clinical study about social anxiety and memory, but after the interview the lady told me I would fit better with their study about emotion and memory (hmm...), so tomorrow morning I have an appointment to be evaluated for said study.

I'm excited because I've always been curious about being a patient in those studies, and I finally might be doing one. I mean, I might be turned down for it, but the lady on the phone seemed pretty sure. I guess I'll find out. And $200 compensation's not bad either, heh.

Only thing is, the study involves being given two 90-minute MRI sessions, which sounds like a long time to be in that coffin-like machine. Maybe that's why the compensation's what it is (although I don't know what the average amount is, maybe that's not even that much).

90 minutes! Holy crap. It sounds kinda fun though. Do you get to see your MRI when you're through?


Well-known member
I'm having an exam tomorrow in "almen sprogforståelse" (it basically means "common language understanding"). The subject is divided into analysis and Latin, and I don't know which one I'll be examined in yet. I sure don't hope it's Latin, because that'll be much harder than analysis. I'm nervous about it, but I shouldn't really care as the grade doesn't even count when I graduate...


Well-known member
I hate that I always feel extremely motivated around this hour of the day (between 11pm and 2am, or whenever I go to bed). I feel extremely motivated to go out and live. But since it's already too late in the night (nothing open outside, and it's also pretty dangerous), I end up going to bed. The next day I feel completely unmotivated, I'll stay one or two hours in bed after waking up doing nothing, listening to music or reading manga if I have no appointments or places to be at. I eventually force myself out of bed, shower and spend the rest of the day in front of my computer, with no intentions of stepping outside. Then night comes, and I start getting motivated about doing something the next day. And the cycle repeats itself everyday.


Well-known member
Unrelated to the previous post, I found out recently (Christmas) that I was dropped on my head when I was a baby.


Well-known member
I hate that I always feel extremely motivated around this hour of the day (between 11pm and 2am, or whenever I go to bed). I feel extremely motivated to go out and live. But since it's already too late in the night (nothing open outside, and it's also pretty dangerous), I end up going to bed. The next day I feel completely unmotivated, I'll stay one or two hours in bed after waking up doing nothing, listening to music or reading manga if I have no appointments or places to be at. I eventually force myself out of bed, shower and spend the rest of the day in front of my computer, with no intentions of stepping outside. Then night comes, and I start getting motivated about doing something the next day. And the cycle repeats itself everyday.

Might do what this article says. I got some health issues I'd like to take care of if it's possible. I want to change my diet, and I might have to do a small surgery. I also have something similar to chronic sinusitis and it's really bothersome, but I don't know if there's anything I can do about it. Then there's also paruresis (which I might be able to do something about) and social anxiety (I think it can get better if I take care of the things I mentioned before).

I think I'll focus on getting an appointment for the sinusitis thing for now, and work on a diet or go to a nutritionist. At the end of the month I'll try to see if my mum is ok with the surgery, though I think she's not very comfortable financially right now. I think I have enough money to pay for the surgery (or enough to drastically reduce the burden on my mum), but my mum won't accept the money, so I feel bad about asking for it.


Well-known member
I hate that I always feel extremely motivated around this hour of the day (between 11pm and 2am, or whenever I go to bed). I feel extremely motivated to go out and live. But since it's already too late in the night (nothing open outside, and it's also pretty dangerous), I end up going to bed. The next day I feel completely unmotivated,

Although I have finally taken this down a notch and been able to get motivation/energy in the morning/during the day and am getting things done during the day. I was exactly like this for a long time. And for me personally, I think one thing that caused it was that at night, everything else is asleep. So I would feel alone and I would know that I could do whatever I wanted (as long as it was quiet) without having to worry about anyone interrupting me/walking on me, destroying my train of thought/concentration, etc. I am not comfortable sharing much of myself or my interests with my family members.

These days I am beginning to just really not care. I realize that it doesn't matter at all.

Might do what this article says. I got some health issues I'd like to take care of if it's possible. I want to change my diet, and I might have to do a small surgery. I also have something similar to chronic sinusitis and it's really bothersome, but I don't know if there's anything I can do about it. Then there's also paruresis (which I might be able to do something about) and social anxiety (I think it can get better if I take care of the things I mentioned before).

That's interesting. Thanks for posting it. I'm going save that and keep in mind, and luckily for me due to it being winter and my job being seasonal (and basically being at home all the time until winter goes away and I can work), I could put all my focus into my health right now.

What kind of sinus problem(s) do you have? I have had a certain sinus problem all my life (I got it from my mother). Basically I always have a lot of mucus and stuff clogging all sinuses. It effects my breathing, sense of smell, and my hearing some. I'm not sure there is much that can be done. I tried using decongestants a lot for a couple of years when I was younger but it ended up causing problems and didn't do enough good. I use a neti pot sometimes to clear my sinuses up.


Well-known member
I think I need to take another hiatus. I'm starting to notice that I spend too much time on this site, compulsively checking it. I obviously have difficulty with moderation but I'm working on it.


Its not a bad thing being here too often as long as you don't live here and never go out haha everything in moderation


Well-known member
I think I need to take another hiatus. I'm starting to notice that I spend too much time on this site, compulsively checking it. I obviously have difficulty with moderation but I'm working on it.

I'm thinking the same thing lately. I might try to do a once a week kind of thing.


Well-known member
What kind of sinus problem(s) do you have? I have had a certain sinus problem all my life (I got it from my mother). Basically I always have a lot of mucus and stuff clogging all sinuses. It effects my breathing, sense of smell, and my hearing some. I'm not sure there is much that can be done. I tried using decongestants a lot for a couple of years when I was younger but it ended up causing problems and didn't do enough good. I use a neti pot sometimes to clear my sinuses up.

My problem seems very similar to that. Might have gotten it from my dad, though his isn't as bad as mine. Lot of mucus, so I'm constantly blowing my nose. When I wake up I go through one or two paper tissues, if not more. It stops being a runny nose a while after, but I can still feel lots of mucus in my throat. It affects my sense of smell, my mouth breath, and I constantly feel the mucus in my throat. I suspect it also affects my appetite and sleep at night: I get less oxygen to my brain during sleep, which might require me to sleep for longer. My mum told me that she once went to the doctor with me when I was younger, and when we were coming out I threw up a lot of mucus on the floor.


Well-known member
I think I need to take another hiatus. I'm starting to notice that I spend too much time on this site, compulsively checking it. I obviously have difficulty with moderation but I'm working on it.

I'm thinking the same thing lately. I might try to do a once a week kind of thing.

Nooooooo!!! :crying:

You're both so important to the health of this community. The kindness, positivity, and support you show to everyone is inspirational and much appreciated. I'm sure you've both helped a lot of people in ways you don't even know. If you do go, even for a little while, you will be missed.

Still, you have your own lives to live, and you must do what is best for you. You can't do much for others if you're not taking care of yourselves. Whatever you decide, good luck to you both. I hope to see you here again soon.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah cannae help feel this tension and negativity towards ma oldest sibling. Yet, ah huv nae choice but tae tolerate how she treats me, the insults, hur control-freak nature. :kickingmyself:

But then, ah never say anythin' until it's too late tae respond. Mainly because am too nice. :thumbdown: