Why are some people so constantly glued to their technological devices? Seriously, I mean you can't even go an hour without texting, going on facebook, looking at instagram etc? Today at my grandma's house we had a more private and intimate memorial service for my aunt who passed away in replacement of the big one that was cancelled due to her well umm…. extremely difficult family (Oh god, I am NOT even going into that). I thought it was nice since it was everything my aunt personally requested to be played, sang, and spoken before she died. It felt more genuine hearing everyone's thoughts, feelings, stories, and memories in a more intimate setting as opposed to a large church service. What really upset me was that my cousin, and my aunt's friend who were there were texting during the hymns that were we being played. I'm not into that stuff either, but I still enjoyed listening to them in this context. A memorial service isn't there to entertain you, it's to honor the person who has passed away. It's just so unbelievable disrespectful in my opinion to be texting, facebooking, or whatever during the brief time you are there to honor someone's life. People seriously need to put their cell phones down once in awhile.