Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Occupied - a LOT to think about.
A simple positive is I get to make tacos for dinner yay
Also bought the best pair of jeans today :p


Pirate from the North Pole
Re: Another day

^Soooo jealous Mikey! It looks lovely there.

I'm so jealous too! Mickey it's so beautiful where you live.

On another subject, I understand that my friends are pissed at me because I never call them when I'm doing things in the week-end, but by the time they wake up in the morning, I've already been up for more than 6 hours. I mean COME ON


Well-known member
Took a drive to a place called Saddleback Mountain Lookout today, not too far from my place. Beautiful view of the whole area where I live.

After that I went to a cafe in a little town called Gerringong and managed to sit at a table with this view:

Middle of winter and it was an unseasonably warm day, but still with a cool breeze, and some wonderful views. The food was spectacular at the cafe. A wonderful way to spend a couple of hours.
^ Gorgeous!


Well-known member
So far, I had this week a job interview, and spend two evenings in the park with friends.

Today there is a huge firework in this city, with millions of spectators. Normally, I go check it out, but it's insanely crowded, and, in addition, the closest friends I have, who normally always join me, ain't in town today.

There is also a reading by fledgling authors today. I consider going there instead. Another friend of mine asked me yesterday whether she could join me, but couldn't reach her so far today.

Now I'm considering to either go home, or go to that reading.


Well-known member
Confidence is by far the most important factor in order to make social relationships.

A few years ago my SA was worse but I had this deluded sense of entitlement, that I was awesome, amazing, unique and had been wronged by life, so life owed me. It made me feel like I had the right to have amazing people in my life and that seemed to allow me to actually make something somewhat similar to "friends".

Now I'm far more mature, realistic and aware. And yet I'm beyond hopeless when it comes to knowing new people... It scares me, makes feel inadecuate and when I actually gather the courage to do so it has mostly failed.

It's quite ironic indeed.


Well-known member
I'm so jealous too! Mickey it's so beautiful where you live.
Where I live has its derelict areas just like anywhere, but it's quite a nice place to live. :)

Confidence is by far the most important factor in order to make social relationships.

A few years ago my SA was worse but I had this deluded sense of entitlement, that I was awesome, amazing, unique and had been wronged by life, so life owed me. It made me feel like I had the right to have amazing people in my life and that seemed to allow me to actually make something somewhat similar to "friends".

Now I'm far more mature, realistic and aware. And yet I'm beyond hopeless when it comes to knowing new people... It scares me, makes feel inadecuate and when I actually gather the courage to do so it has mostly failed.

It's quite ironic indeed.
That's interesting. All about perception. :reading:
It's always a bit of a shock when you realized someone you thought you were friends with removed you from Facebook. I know it's "just" Facebook but usually someone only does that if they have a problem with you or they don't really talk to you any more... I've done it in the past too, and hurt some feelings, which is why I don't do that any more unless I really don't talk to the person or we had a falling out or something. I wouldn't just do it out of the blue with no explanation if the other person thought we were friends. Not gonna lie, kind of confused and it does hurt a bit, but it's not like the two people were really good friends anyway...

When it happens I debate whether I should send a message asking what happened, but then I think maybe that looks pathetic or I'm bothering them. They clearly don't want to talk (unless they did it out of hurt feelings or something). Oh well... :(
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Well-known member
Late night fatigue thought: the phrase "you only live once" has been shortened to "yolo," and in some cases hashtagged to be #yolo.

SPW's tagline is "you are not alone." Can we start a trend by hashtagging #yana everywhere? Pretty please?


not actually Fiona Apple
I had a dream, or rather a day dream yesterday in which I went for a walk in the winter, and then sat down somewhere. Someone came up to me and started talking to me, and asked what was on my mind. I tell them, we have a good long conversation about it, then I go home. I'm asked how my walk was, I say really good, and then I sit down feeling a lot better than before my walk.

The problem is, in my day dream the "meaningful conversation" part I sort of skipped over, and would really like to know what was said that made me feel so much better afterwards.


Pirate from the North Pole
Is there anyone who can tell me what is the english word or expression when you cook something in or over the burning ashes?

Note: I'm not retarded, english is my second language


Well-known member
What the hell did I just do now???... Saw one of my former classmates who lives abroad online in messenger thought she was there atm and messaged her, apparently she's in the country now for her summer break , so she got my number and said that she's coming to my city and that she'd like to see me! Now I have to prepare myself for someone calling me out of the blue and seeing her after so many years... she's living fine independently in a foreign country, has developed a circle of cool friends there, got her masters and has a good job... we're just not in the same wavelength anymore. I don't know how I'm gonna handle this. I don't even have a job atm.
Yup, it has finally happened. YouTube is messing up the one thing that they've always had an edge over; video playback.

*slow clap* All praise this achievement. Impressive stuff. *slow clap*


Well-known member
I had a dream, or rather a day dream yesterday in which I went for a walk in the winter, and then sat down somewhere. Someone came up to me and started talking to me, and asked what was on my mind. I tell them, we have a good long conversation about it, then I go home. I'm asked how my walk was, I say really good, and then I sit down feeling a lot better than before my walk.

The problem is, in my day dream the "meaningful conversation" part I sort of skipped over, and would really like to know what was said that made me feel so much better afterwards.

Let us know if you remember! The answers are within, I suppose.