Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
F**kin' roastin' the day... It's bloody warm. Ah know yer thinkin' "why are ye complainin'?"

We're no use tae this kinda weather in Scotland - since we rarely get the warm weather. :giggle: Usually huv tae f**k off tae a warmer climate tae see the sun on daily basis. :ironicsmile: Weird, innit? When it rainin' n' dreary, we moan aboot it. When it's warm, we still f**kin' moan - like the dour, negative c*nts we are! :sarcastic:
I've had to face my fear of confrontation/being assertive 5 times in the past week and a half. Not surprisingly, they were all because of my job. The place is run by young 20-somethings and is still trying to get itself together, being a new store and all. People of all ages can be immature, but I've found that older, more seasoned managers and supervisors tend to avoid drama by leaving out the petty BS and keeping things professional. My age group still doesn't know how to do that. We tend to be quick to anger, impulsive, overly emotional even. Petty. Take everything personally.

Anyway, even though I was terrified I think I handled the situations well. It was good practice and I actually wish I could practice more, but without actual drama. Unfortunately I don't think it would have the same effect on me if I knew it was fake, so there would be no point. Maybe I can choose to confront someone in my life who's been a problem, though. That could be good practice, and I might improve things a bit. Hmmm...


Well-known member
Yeah, I think there's lots of people here, and elsewhere, who agonise over the wording of an email. You'll be okay. Just write out what you want and you can amend as you need to before hitting send. :)
Thank you. :) I still haven't written it though, maybe it'll take a while.


Well-known member
Ahh..well i never have anything new, exciting to post. All the time i come here to my depressed state of mind.
But this is the only place where i can say what i feel like.
Really..i feel like that topic on the front page.."are you feel burned out " oh yeah.
I dont feel any enthusiasm..any positivity any desire to do anything in life.
I m so tired.., so very lonely..i just cannot fake it anymore.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I dont feel any enthusiasm..any positivity any desire to do anything in life.
I m so tired.., so very lonely..i just cannot fake it anymore.

Aye, that sounds like me. Yer not alone there, darlin', believe me...

"Always look on the shite side of life..." - Monty Python parody reference. :bigsmile:

Anyway, hope ye feel a wee bit better soon. :thumbup:

Want tae know the great thing aboot no being taken seriously n' being the youngest (child) on the yer mother's side o' the family...? Yer the 2nd funniest person in the room at family gatherin', because everythin' ye say is a joke! :kickingmyself: Which is effin' great, folk constantly laughin' at ye aw the bloody time. The reason ah say 2nd funniest is because Scottish parents are f**kin' mental-ly ill! When they're still in their natural habitate... Well... there goes confidence n' assertiveness oot the effin' windae!

^That's the doonside tae huv a Scottish parent raise ye - they're hilarious, embarrassin' but they're also no right in the heid!

Self-confidence doesnae come easily tae me, so ah overcompensate by tryin' tae be funny! How pathetic, eh...?!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
For comedic effect only...

Here's what ma posts on here would sound like written in full on short-hand Scottish dialect - for full effect, read the followin' quickly:

"Scots dialect... Blah de blah de blah! ♪(Easy! Easy! Easy!)♫ Goan get tae... f-word! (Drunk Scottish vowel sounds - A E I O U) = A Eh?! Ah Owe You, by-the-way, pal! Aye, that'll be f**kin' right! How? Irvine Welsh! Freedom! Get it up ye! Shouldnae, wouldnae, couldnae. Owyabast---ard! ShitPissF**k! C*nt!" :bigsmile:
I feel like I'm wasting my summer away. I have a job and I've done some fun things here and there, but I'm really dying to go kayaking or canoeing or hiking or camping or something outdoorsy, and there's only about a month and a half of summer left. A combination of hiking and camping with a kayak trip or something would be ideal. I don't have time to, though, and I don't have the money, and I don't have the people.

I apologize for my negativity today, I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe it's the crap food I ate yesterday, or the migraine, or my allergies, or a combination. I just feel like absolute shit and everything seems futile.


Well-known member
I feel like I'm wasting my summer away. I have a job and I've done some fun things here and there, but I'm really dying to go kayaking or canoeing or hiking or camping or something outdoorsy, and there's only about a month and a half of summer left. A combination of hiking and camping with a kayak trip or something would be ideal. I don't have time to, though, and I don't have the money, and I don't have the people.

I apologize for my negativity today, I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe it's the crap food I ate yesterday, or the migraine, or my allergies, or a combination. I just feel like absolute shit and everything seems futile.

Yikes. Feeling the exact same way. Words can't even describe how much I'd enjoy going canoeing, but it seems so pointless try even try to do something like that by myself.
I feel like I'm wasting my summer away. I have a job and I've done some fun things here and there, but I'm really dying to go kayaking or canoeing or hiking or camping or something outdoorsy, and there's only about a month and a half of summer left. A combination of hiking and camping with a kayak trip or something would be ideal. I don't have time to, though, and I don't have the money, and I don't have the people.

I apologize for my negativity today, I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe it's the crap food I ate yesterday, or the migraine, or my allergies, or a combination. I just feel like absolute shit and everything seems futile.

Yep. The working life. Ahhh so refreshing.
Money comes, *sigh* money goes.
Friends; different schedules, different places, left behind, left an internal sour note.
Lost In Frivolous Endeavors.


not actually Fiona Apple
Whenever I would read the descriptions of my personality type (INFJ, although lately I have been getting INTJ a lot more often) mostly all of it resonated greatly with me, but there was one that always seemed like the opposite me, something along the lines of "May have unrealistic and/or unreasonable expectations of others" or "holds others up to the same high standards as they do themselves." It donned on me today though, that that was because I had always thought everyone was the best they could be, and I was the only one failing to meet these high expectations. Now as I start to consider the possibility everyone is not perfect, that negative quality is starting to bare it's ugly head. I liked it better the other way :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Feeling ignored is never fun...
No, it isn't. It really, really isn't.

Anyway, I've been feeling mostly good except for one facet of life which I'm totally working on fixing. Starts with F and ends in IONA! ::p: But I've been feeling very good lately, and I hope this continues.

Is it a coincidence that this has happened when I've decided to eat healthier for the umpteenth time? :)

Also, I'm going to a lingerie waitress bar tonight. That will be interesting, I hope! :bigsmile:


Well-known member
^I'm glad you're feeling better. I should start eating healthier too and exercising, now if only my motivation would last. Have fun. :)


Well-known member
^I'm glad you're feeling better. I should start eating healthier too and exercising, now if only my motivation would last. Have fun. :)
The first two days require motivation, but it gets easier after that, although still needs effort to maintain.

And yes, I did have fun, even though there was only one topless waitress. I was hoping for more. ::(: