LOL. I just photochopped that mugshot sign in because I always look like a criminal or homeless person (or maybe both) in my pics. And when I smile, I just look like a dork, so I usually avoid that. haha. The sign is actually from Bill Gates' mugshot photo from when he was 17.
Anyway, if that's you in your profile pic, you're obviously quite photogenic, so I don't expect you to be able to empathize with what it's like to always look constipated and dirty in pictures. haha. I'd kill for your bright smile and friendly eyes. Well, not literally because that'd just be weird on many levels, but you probably get what I mean.
BTW I just realized you registered at this site before me, way back in March of 10. All I saw was your newbie user status, and assumed you registered last month. haha.