Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Pirate from the North Pole
That's a great way to be. My life is like that on weekends, seems like the complication ends when I leave work.

Yeah life can get a little complicated at work for me too. But the "career" is not all that important for me, so when I start being all anxious about work I remember this is a temporary situation, I'm doing my best, I can't do more, and I have some back-up plans if I get fired. :D

I guess not everyone has the chance to have so much liberty and so few responsabilities though.


Well-known member
God I feel completely unprepared for an exam I have in 6 hours. I haven't been able to study very well because I'm unmotivated. I only need a 12 out of 20 which is way below most of my grades, so I didn't feel motivated to study. I'm two exams away from finishing my bachelor. I feel like I'll mess it all up and will end up having to retake the exam in September.


Well-known member
People are wearing me down. It's their problems, it can't be all mine.

I could tolerate withdrawing to a place away from people for a very long time. Maybe permanently.
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Well-known member
cool vid, Flanscho! The ferns reach out for what they need better than we do!

I'm outta here. Taking internet break, too. Too much stuff to haul with me.

I'll be jonesin' :bigsmile:

I am doing it. I am doing it. :perfect:


Well-known member
My cousin just sent me the most bizarre message on Facebook, bringing up the crap that happened last summer when I went to visit family and it ended in a complete mess. To her, this was an apology and a message of encouragement. To me, I feel it's a backhanded insult or some sort of passive-aggressive way of saying "Sorry, but I'm still going to treat you like a child."

I really don't know what to say, if I should even say anything. I always have to tread lightly with her, in what I say, do, etc. because she's so mentally ill. I'm afraid of responding with the wrong thing, since anything I say, if it comes across even in the slightest as rude (to her, even if I did not mean to come across that way at all), might cause her rage on her keyboard back at me.

I know I shouldn't really take the message all too seriously, as she is mentally ill, but it kind of pisses me off. It also makes me feel guilty that there is not a single thing I could do last year, nor can I still do, to get her to see a doctor/psychologist/something to get her on the right meds and possibly better. And it just makes me angry how the rest of her family doesn't even try their hardest to get her on the right track. (even in the past they didn't do hardly anything) Ugh... :kickingmyself: I need to let these feelings go. She's messed up, it's way out of my hands, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. She will most likely be that way for the rest of her life.
^ Mentally ill or not, if you feel disrespected you can always be honest with her. Because while it's important not to antagonize easy targets, special extra careful treatment is the other extreme.

I trust that you know best in this given scenario, and whether it's worth potential friction or not, but don't bite your tongue more than you have to purely on the notion that she might take it badly.

The most respectful thing you can do for legitimately mentally ill people is to treat them as normal people as much as possible.


Well-known member
^ Mentally ill or not, if you feel disrespected you can always be honest with her. Because while it's important not to antagonize easy targets, special extra careful treatment is the other extreme.

I trust that you know best in this given scenario, and whether it's worth potential friction or not, but don't bite your tongue more than you have to purely on the notion that she might take it badly.

The most respectful thing you can do for legitimately mentally ill people is to treat them as normal people as much as possible.
^ I am pondering whether to message back at all or give it a day to see what I come up with. It's not that I don't want to be honest with her, and it's not that I don't treat her like a normal person anyway, because I do, it's just that backlash I fear so much. Yes, deep down I'm afraid now after enduring it so much last year. Even if it's just on the internet. Kind of pathetic, I know.

I shouldn't be afraid. She may be older than me, but we're still both adults, give or take her illness and my own social phobia. I should just tell her how I feel, maybe thank her for actually messaging me in the first place since I haven't heard from her in ages and no one messages me anyway. I mean, at least she was thinking of me..... Ugh, I don't know.


Well-known member
Well, it appears that I now hate the entire human race,
That can't be good, right?
No, it can't. What happened?

My cousin just sent me the most bizarre message on Facebook, bringing up the crap that happened last summer when I went to visit family and it ended in a complete mess. To her, this was an apology and a message of encouragement. To me, I feel it's a backhanded insult or some sort of passive-aggressive way of saying "Sorry, but I'm still going to treat you like a child."

I really don't know what to say, if I should even say anything. I always have to tread lightly with her, in what I say, do, etc. because she's so mentally ill. I'm afraid of responding with the wrong thing, since anything I say, if it comes across even in the slightest as rude (to her, even if I did not mean to come across that way at all), might cause her rage on her keyboard back at me.

I know I shouldn't really take the message all too seriously, as she is mentally ill, but it kind of pisses me off. It also makes me feel guilty that there is not a single thing I could do last year, nor can I still do, to get her to see a doctor/psychologist/something to get her on the right meds and possibly better. And it just makes me angry how the rest of her family doesn't even try their hardest to get her on the right track. (even in the past they didn't do hardly anything) Ugh... :kickingmyself: I need to let these feelings go. She's messed up, it's way out of my hands, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. She will most likely be that way for the rest of her life.
I answered this already, but I think that, historically, if anything you say is going to be used against you in some way, maybe don't say anything. All you're trying to do is be there for her and she doesn't accept it. Mental illness or not, it's rude and ungrateful.



Well-known member
Gosh I never thought setting up an appointment with a friend would be this hard. We have to decide where to meet, who's gonna drive, when we meet, what movie we'll be watching, at what theater, what to do after the movie, when and where we gonna have lunch, and when to go home. So far so blah. I wanted to watch "The Heat" but my friend wanted to watch "Despicable Me 2". We both never saw Despicable Me 1 so she said "The Heat" is ok. But now I feel kinda bad for not going with her suggestion.

@Arthur: I like your comic strip.


Well-known member
I answered this already, but I think that, historically, if anything you say is going to be used against you in some way, maybe don't say anything. All you're trying to do is be there for her and she doesn't accept it. Mental illness or not, it's rude and ungrateful.
^ Very true. I talked to my mom about it and she basically told me what I already told myself, that I shouldn't let it get to me. She also said to ignore it, because either way it's "damned if you do, damned if you don't."


Well-known member
^ Very true. I talked to my mom about it and she basically told me what I already told myself, that I shouldn't let it get to me. She also said to ignore it, because either way it's "damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Your mum is right, because if you had helped her, would she treat you differently? Maybe, maybe not. Don't worry too much about it...although I know that is easier said than done.


Well-known member
Took a drive to a place called Saddleback Mountain Lookout today, not too far from my place. Beautiful view of the whole area where I live.


After that I went to a cafe in a little town called Gerringong and managed to sit at a table with this view:


Middle of winter and it was an unseasonably warm day, but still with a cool breeze, and some wonderful views. The food was spectacular at the cafe. A wonderful way to spend a couple of hours.