Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
... when I return to my natural shut-in's habitat, it seems worse than it is. ...
I'm like that too. I think of it as torture before it's happening, but while it's happening (most of the time) it is tolerable. I probably have more anxiety before it happens, and even after than I do while it's happening. Why do I do that to myself? So weird.
Proud of all of you working through it!
The books I wanted to read were checked out of my library, and I couldn't figure out what else to read. I finally decided on A Clockwork Orange and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Didn't realize the whole of Orange was in the characters' slang, though, so not sure if I'll finish it.

I got Do Androids Dream...? because it's gotten mostly good reviews. I love dystopian novels, and scifi is fun if it's believable. But I find so much scifi unbelievable and too out-there. You can't just make fantastical gadgets and systems without at least partially explaining how they are possible, and expect the reader to play along. I need the whys and hows, man.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I don't know how some people are unaware of how creepy they come across with certain behaviors. Or they just don't care.
If this is about your toenail clippings again, I don't understand why you get so judgmental. I mean if you weren't done with them you wouldn't have thrown them away!

Jeez. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Soo exhausted from my last major hurdle, I have needed a few days to just sleep. I feel like I am literally having to reprogram myself myself, from all my yrs of bad software downloads and virus attacks on my hard drive.


Well-known member
I don't know how some people are unaware of how creepy they come across with certain behaviors. Or they just don't care.

I suppose an anxiety disorder could across as creepy to some. I think I am more tolerant of difference, having suffered from a mental illness.


Well-known member
I quit drinking coffee for about 2 months, cold turkey (amazing feat for me). I've been struggling with depression big time but today I am back on the coffee. PROBLEM SOLVED.


Only two of us here at work tonight in the machine shop and the cruel hands of fate decided it was time for one of the magazine pins in the vertical lathe to shear off. Words cannot begin to express my mood right now. :banghead:


Pirate from the North Pole
I like my co-workers. There's this new guy who's been bugging me (in a friendly way but still annoying) all week long because I don't systematically say hi to him every morning when I pass his office. He knows it's nothing personal, because I'm joking with him when he bugs me about it. I was hoping he would drop it at some point because he is starting to get on my nerves, but this morning when I passed him again without saying anything, I heard him say "she didn't say hi. She didn't say hi again!" Then he got up and started walking towards me and I knew I was going to say something nasty, but then my other co-worker shouted: "Hey are you bugging X again? Man you really need attention do you? Geeeez"

I've reached my weight limit, which means that I'll have to go back to my diet. Blagh. I need hard limits on self maintenance, otherwise I tend to neglect it.

For the next month or two I'm reducing myself to the bare minimum of solid nutrition to force my body to use the reserves. Which means dinner only, one liter (one/fourth of a gallon) of watered down orange juice and a cup of coffee in the morning- and two in the evening.

At least afterwards I'll get to have decent buffer zone.


Well-known member
ack- ack... even the thought of making a dating profile is giving me an aneurysm!

mom: okay... so, what do you like?
me: ... uhhh... ??
mom: anything, honey-- just list things you like! You like wren.
me: -__- yes. I like my niece. Is that something I should list?
mom: that you like children? yeah! why not?
me: people won't think that's weird...?
mom: well, you're going to chose the option saying that you want children anyways, right?
me: ... I'm leaving. *exits room in a puff of smoke*