Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
The light is slowly going out on my life. How can I continue to survive, when I fear talking to people more each year?


Well-known member
A few days ago, someone asked me why I don't talk. I told him, "because I don't have anything to say right now". But I always have something to say, it's just that no one ever says anything to me, and the few times they do, anything I say will get zero reaction, whether I bring up empty small talk about the weather, or say something that would be considered controversial. NOTHING. I don't understand how anyone can be so social these days with all of these distractions, but everyone comes off as if they are professionals at having conversations and being social, professionals at everything. It's like they all have these skills that I don't have, and until I learn them, I won't be in this exclusive human club. I can't stand being alone anymore, it's stopping me from progressing in life, and I keep trying and trying, but it never works out. I'm always looked at weird, barely regarded. There's only so much more time I can handle this loneliness.


Well-known member
Where exactly can I find pillowcases and bed sheets anti dust mites? I tried ordering an anti dust mite pillowcase from but the shipping fees more than doubled the cost. doesn't have it. I tried to google it but I couldn't find anything.


Well-known member
It has now been proven that margaritas change a persons way of thinking about every night of the week and probably everyday too.. How can someone not remember how they acted 2 days ago and forget that you are not speaking to them anymore.. I think I want to laugh until I fall on the floor.. seriously! :lol:


Well-known member
It has now been proven that margaritas change a persons way of thinking about every night of the week and probably everyday too.. How can someone not remember how they acted 2 days ago and forget that you are not speaking to them anymore.. I think I want to laugh until I fall on the floor.. seriously! :lol:

What did he do? Did he change his mind?


Well-known member
No.. I don't think he changed his mind. I think all I had to do was mention the word "drunk" and then he said where are we going to get drunk at? He sent me a picture of him drinking a margarita. I think that is what's wrong with his way of thinking.. it's the alcohol doing all of the talking and he can't function right.


Well-known member
No.. I don't think he changed his mind. I think all I had to do was mention the word "drunk" and then he said where are we going to get drunk at? He sent me a picture of him drinking a margarita. I think that is what's wrong with his way of thinking.. it's the alcohol doing all of the talking and he can't function right.

Was he drinking when he originally hurt your feelings? He sounds confused, or maybe he doesn't remember he said it? Still, anyone willing to play with your feelings like that probably not worth your time! You're too good for him!


Well-known member
Was he drinking when he originally hurt your feelings? He sounds confused, or maybe he doesn't remember he said it? Still, anyone willing to play with your feelings like that probably not worth your time! You're too good for him!

He was drinking, because he had invited me to come have a drink with him that evening. I think he may have some problems and he is using alcohol to deal with them. I could be wrong.. I don't know. I really don't like alcohol taking over someones feelings like that. I am not one to go out 7 days a week to get drunk. I have no time and a lot more responsibility then he does. No, I don't like the games either alcohol or not. Lies and alcohol are what broke me and my best friend apart.. she was the one who was drunk.


Well-known member
He was drinking, because he had invited me to come have a drink with him that evening. I think he may have some problems and he is using alcohol to deal with them. I could be wrong.. I don't know. I really don't like alcohol taking over someones feelings like that. I am not one to go out 7 days a week to get drunk. I have no time and a lot more responsibility then he does. No, I don't like the games either alcohol or not. Lies and alcohol are what broke me and my best friend apart.. she was the one who was drunk.

You sound like you have your head screwed on straight. Proud of you!


Well-known member
You sound like you have your head screwed on straight. Proud of you!

Yeah.. I don't think he does though.. He said he didn't want to be tied down and wanted to be independent.. I haven't and will not stop him from his alcohol.. He can have it! He doesn't need to invite me anywhere with him.. he's got his fun right in his hand.. his precious margarita. Dang! This is starting to sound like some freakin soap opera gone bad....LOL :applause:


Well-known member
You'll do fine. I hate managerial meetings and corporate dog and pony shows too.

Pony show, totally what it feels like. OK... it's your turn to fake laugh in 3... 2... 1... ACTION... OK fake laugh again, coming up... it's coming... and... NOW. Awkward side glances at other people in the meeting. Your eyes meet and are instantly repelled because it is transparent through their forced smiles that they, too, are cringing on the inside. Or maybe it's just me who is the poor sport, projecting.

I am in the same boat, dottie :eek:mg:

It does get easier right?

I hope so much.
Pony show, totally what it feels like. OK... it's your turn to fake laugh in 3... 2... 1... ACTION... OK fake laugh again, coming up... it's coming... and... NOW. Awkward side glances at other people in the meeting. Your eyes meet and are instantly repelled because it is transparent through their forced smiles that they, too, are cringing on the inside. Or maybe it's just me who is the poor sport, projecting.

We had just such a meeting today as soon as we came on-shift. All about company liability and work related accidents. Luckily the girl giving the slide show wasn't just a pencil pushin robot with a laser pointer. I had to do a fair amount of speaking concerning safety around heavy machinery and how it pertains to my crew and our section of the freak show, er uh... i mean our section of the shop. Then luckily it was another supervisors turn. It sucks but we persevere and overcome. Oh, by the way, I'm proud of ya :)


Well-known member
We had just such a meeting today as soon as we came on-shift. All about company liability and work related accidents. Luckily the girl giving the slide show wasn't just a pencil pushin robot with a laser pointer. I had to do a fair amount of speaking concerning safety around heavy machinery and how it pertains to my crew and our section of the freak show, er uh... i mean our section of the shop. Then luckily it was another supervisors turn. It sucks but we persevere and overcome. Oh, by the way, I'm proud of ya :)

Thanks! It's not so horrible but for some reason when I return to my natural shut-in's habitat, it seems worse than it is. Just keep playing the game.


Well-known member
I think work is the only good thing in my life right now. If I weren't employed, I'd probably just drop off the face of the Earth.