Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
And hey, if times get tough, chicken and dog are both edible! I'd say dog is a stringy meat though :question:
My dog is wet right now and stinks. In my mind I imagine that is how the meat tastes, all greasy and dank, ew! But true, I wouldn't starve, haha!

Anyone here does calligraphy? Thinking about doing it as a hobby. I'm more interested in writing kanji characters but that sort of calligraphy uses completely different materials and it would be pretty expensive to get.
I have a calligraphy pen and it is fun to mess around with. I have never done any serious calligraphy, but it would be a really cool think to learn!


Pirate from the North Pole
I'm not sure what my problem is but I feel like I get pissed off a lot lately compared to my regular zen mood

Edit: DISREGARD. I just realized what my problem is.
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Well-known member
Hey look...
It's me.


Well-known member
I've always had a disconnect with reality to some extent, but lately it's been worse than ever. And...I'm not sure I want to hang on to reality or my sanity anymore. Reality is very lonely and very painful.

I want something different. I want a different life. I want to be someone else...I always have.

It's like everything is coming to the surface. Things I thought I had let go of have come back.

I feel completely alone.

I do feel like I want a different life and be someone else ..and sometimes or most of the times completely alone. I hope something makes you feel better.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I've always had a disconnect with reality to some extent, but lately it's been worse than ever. And...I'm not sure I want to hang on to reality or my sanity anymore. Reality is very lonely and very painful.

I want something different. I want a different life. I want to be someone else...I always have.

It's like everything is coming to the surface. Things I thought I had let go of have come back.

I feel completely alone.

Whoa! You articulated how ah've been feelin' lately, Rawz. Hope ye feel better soon, mate. :thumbup:


Well-known member
I have started to block out things that anger me and disgust me. I think my Dad has found the way he wants to die.. he is always wishing it and asks why he should eat food anymore.. If starvation is the way for him to die then I can't do anything about it.. I have to ignore his out loud thoughts because I am to the point where I have almost stopped caring and am fed up with trying to help him ..especially with his attitude towards existing anymore.


Well-known member
If starvation is the way for him to die then I can't do anything about it.. .

Oh, but there is!
Tempt him with his favourites!

My dad and I both suffer from depression and anxiety and regularly forget to eat because we never have an appetite but I set an alarm to be sure that I at least am reminded to have a meal.
My dad doesn't and sometimes he says outloud that he knows he should eat but doesn't want to because; 'what's the point?'
So, I buy a hawaiian pizza and load on extra cheese and ham.
Even when he claims he isn't hungry, he will always be tempted to have 'a little bit' and a little bit is better than nothing at all.
Dr Karl tweeted about how back in ye goode olde days it was normal to sleep a few hours, wake for a few more, then sleep again
Your Ancestors didnt sleep like you
^That is very interesting. It is sad how many things in our life are dictated by expectations and the particular time on a clock. I think we would not have the increasing obesity problem of the last 50 years if we were able to eat when we want to and the amount we want to eat at any particular time, as opposed to the standard and time convenient set "breakfast, lunch and dinner" model.


Well-known member
Oh, but there is!
Tempt him with his favourites!

It's not that easy.. His favorite foods are right there in front of him and he just stares at it. His appetite has become worse over the past couple of months, he is weak, dropping weight dramatically, can't hold anything in his stomach for long. He has medical problems beyond anyone's care now.. and he will never see a doctor. He wants to live in his own little world like that and I believe he loves misery, but even though misery loves company.. I am not the company on this one.


Well-known member
It's not that easy.. His favorite foods are right there in front of him and he just stares at it. His appetite has become worse over the past couple of months, he is weak, dropping weight dramatically, can't hold anything in his stomach for long. He has medical problems beyond anyone's care now.. and he will never see a doctor. He wants to live in his own little world like that and I believe he loves misery, but even though misery loves company.. I am not the company on this one.

Well, it sounds like you tried and that's all you can do. :sad:
I'm very sorry to hear that about your dad, shyflower.


Well-known member
I have thoughts but I am not sure how to word them.

I guess I just hate some people who disguise themselves behind a wall of being a nice person and acting like they are kind and understanding when they are really the opposite of that.

Most people seem to claim the title of being kind and understanding of others when that clearly isn't the case. They even blind themselves into thinking they actually are! Perhaps I could say I am projecting myself onto others but again I don't consider myself kind and understanding. Maybe understanding and willing to work with people. Not exactly kind though. I try to be kind but that just feels like I am lying to myself. Though maybe being kind with people requires that you are willing to work with them. A lot of people aren't willing to work with others I notice. When they find something that is out of their grasp or they strongly reject they will quickly find some way to rid you from their lives. Label you toxic. I am no different. Maybe one day I can be different. I probably won't but maybe just expand my limit perhaps.

I like the way you put this. It does seem like many times people are unwilling to work with others even just a little bit.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised though as most people these days want instant gratification.


Well-known member
Life is a mess. I can't be happy or okay for more than a day or two!! I want to improve but all my stupid worthless efforts will never ever help me. It is as simple as this-"I AM CONFUSED , COWARD, BORING( I know why no one is interested in me), Weak, foolish, selfish,...I can add a lot more to that. And yeah not a drop of any " good qualities". I wish I could stop pretending. No one really will ever understand. I will never understand.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Life is a mess. I can't be happy or okay for more than a day or two!! I want to improve but all my stupid worthless efforts will never ever help me. It is as simple as this-"I AM CONFUSED , COWARD, BORING( I know why no one is interested in me), Weak, foolish, selfish,...I can add a lot more to that. And yeah not a drop of any " good qualities". I wish I could stop pretending. No one really will ever understand. I will never understand.

^ Ah know how ye feel, spring. Ah feel the same way aboot ma life. :sad: