Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I ain't enjoying you crying and I'm a guy! Forget him! There's plenty of us out there :) god, what a jer.k

He even had the nerve to ask me to meet him out for a margarita. I hope him and his margaritas have plenty of alone time together. I shouldn't be such a sweet girl.. maybe then people wouldn't treat me this way.


Well-known member
So sorry he hurt you. I know it hurts now, but he probably did you a favor. Sounds like a loser.
When you find the right person (even if it's just a friend) it will feel natural and neither of you will see each other as a burden. Hope you don't cry for too long. :sad:

I wish there was no such things as losers.. but losers are what I seem to attract.. I hate it so much
He even had the nerve to ask me to meet him out for a margarita. I hope him and his margaritas have plenty of alone time together. I shouldn't be such a sweet girl.. maybe then people wouldn't treat me this way.

God, what a douchebag! Seriously? The nerve of that son of a *****! Well, for what its worth, real men don't act that way. Keep that in mind. As far as friends go, i never felt constricted by having them. Some of us yearn for genuine friends. I can't see how he'd have any at all with that attitude.


Well-known member
God, what a douchebag! Seriously? The nerve of that son of a *****! Well, for what its worth, real men don't act that way. Keep that in mind. As far as friends go, i never felt constricted by having them. Some of us yearn for genuine friends. I can't see how he'd have any at all with that attitude.

He had even told his boss about me.. If I was only considered a friend why would you tell another guy about this girl you met? Sounds like he is confused the difference between friendship and relationship..just my thoughts.
He had even told his boss about me.. If I was only considered a friend why would you tell another guy about this girl you met? Sounds like he is confused the difference between friendship and relationship..just my thoughts.

That IS a bit odd. Unless he just wanted to brag on you being his friend. You must be quite the catch friend wise :)


Well-known member
That IS a bit odd. Unless he just wanted to brag on you being his friend. You must be quite the catch friend wise :)

Yes.. I make a good friend to those who confide in me. I know that one day I will make a good wife to the one who wants to be with me.. I have been alone all my life and I am so glad to have found this site to make friends.. even if I am not around them...:)
Yes.. I make a good friend to those who confide in me. I know that one day I will make a good wife to the one who wants to be with me.. I have been alone all my life and I am so glad to have found this site to make friends.. even if I am not around them...:)

I was gonna say, ill be your friend :) its not like ill tell anybody at work about you and i don't do karaoke sooooo .... :cool:


Well-known member
I wonder what should I do. Its so funny, my mood! It is a either very very depressed or sometimes I feel quite good. I feel good when I ignore all the stuff that needs attention.
The biggest challenge right now for me, is to find the path I should take. I always felt like a "leaf floating in water " moving along the current of water. Not sure if I am still a leaf. May be I am. But I think I can use some of my power to change directions somewhat in my favour.
There are things that I want to do.

The first would be, go abroad and see another sort of life different than my own. Its super funny because I have never ever live outside the place of my birth. And going abroad is not at all an easy task. I will loads of money. I am sure I will not get any job abroad based on my qualifications.
So the first being impossible for now, leaves me with an option to find what I can do with my college degrees! And I don't have any idea really!


Well-known member
He had even told his boss about me.. If I was only considered a friend why would you tell another guy about this girl you met? Sounds like he is confused the difference between friendship and relationship..just my thoughts.
Exactly what I thought too! I bet he thought you were dating.

Yes.. I make a good friend to those who confide in me. I know that one day I will make a good wife to the one who wants to be with me.. I have been alone all my life and I am so glad to have found this site to make friends.. even if I am not around them...:)
People like us make great spouses because we are totally devoted to the few who we trust!

Fvck it I am proud of myself and I didn't get completely turned down.
Good job!

The first would be, go abroad and see another sort of life different than my own. Its super funny because I have never ever live outside the place of my birth. And going abroad is not at all an easy task. I will loads of money. I am sure I will not get any job abroad based on my qualifications.
Going abroad gave me tons of confidence when I got home. I felt like a different person and men suddenly seemed interested in me when none had been before. It might have carried over from how foreign guys treated me. I was exotic and had a cool accent, they paid attention to me.
I hope you get to achieve that goal!

I didn't sleep.
Probably afraid you would oversleep!

It makes me so angry.
Hope whatever ticked you off gets resolved soon!

Got my package in the mail today. Finally. Nothing like buying a duplicate of something that was lost long ago.
It's like meeting a long lost friend at the air port, lol!
Good thing i dont have a pack of hot dogs, cause i'd go gather up some sticks and roast em over a fire. Who cares that I'm at work? Fire roasted hot dogs are awesome! I might bring some tomorrow night. And a folding chair to set on next to my camp fire. That's the great thing about having woods behind the factory :p


Well-known member
Meeting tomorrow. Maybe two, maybe four. I did not realize this position would entail leadership to this extent. It is what I need... it is just scary.