Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I hate that since I was in high school I tried to get a job and years after I finally got one. It was gardening at HD and I really liked it. But I was stupid and quit after 3 months just to be with a loser. Now I can't get a job. With the little calls I got for interviews, I didn't get the job. One assignment I started and they didn't want me.

Now there is only one thing I want to do. I have to only hope this is my greatest opportunity to make myself proud. Other than that, I will lose all the hope I had.


Well-known member
My life is probably jinxed. It's the fact that when I mention something it doesn't happen. I already said things about the job I want and it seems like things are going well but I'll not end up getting it most likely.

I don't know what to do now. I am going to have to figure something out. With a baby, I can't run off, so I have to keep trying.


Well-known member
My cat has been out for over 24 hours. He's done this before, but it always instantly worries me when I go out and call him and he doesn't come running or meowing back.

With my neighbors being loud the past few days, and the fact no one was even here for a bit last night, he probably hasn't bothered coming up to the house. He'll never come around when there's a lot of noise or no one's home.
^ Found him! I was worried sick the whole afternoon after I looked around the yard and called him and still nothing. He finally came up to the house, but was acting pretty scared. He's okay though, and he's in, so I'm relieved and he's happy.
I think I need to go on a diet for a while. While I'm by no means 'big', I constantly feel sick because it feels like every pants I wear constrict my organs. And whenever I lean forward I can feel a fold pressing inward. A few days ago I was in quite a lot of pain for a while. Like, internal pain. I could care less for looks, but I can't stand feeling (potentially dangerously) unhealthy.

There isn't enough room in my room to do any kind of exercise unfortunately. I hope that between the diet and a bit more effort at work it'll do the trick.


Well-known member
^ Found him! I was worried sick the whole afternoon after I looked around the yard and called him and still nothing. He finally came up to the house, but was acting pretty scared. He's okay though, and he's in, so I'm relieved and he's happy.

Glad you found him! My big guy is reclining on my lap. Yeah for cats! :)


Well-known member
I feel like I'm going to die, or lose my mind. I feel like I've lost everything. I'm such a mess inside, and I can't think straight. I don't know what's going to happen or what I'm going to do. I don't think I can ever recover from this.


Well-known member
I'm back at work after being away sick for three weeks. I'm bored to death, there's nothing to do but wait until my shift is over.


Well-known member
I had a dream I was in a classroom with some old classmates plus a guy from Youtube. We were watching clips on the screen. Since I was sitting near the front I was anxious and kept noticing the people sitting behind me hoping my back doesn't look weird or anything. The pillow behind me was uncomfortable so I kpet shuffling it. Things went without a hitch, until one very familiar guy threw a crayon at my feet and said he doesn't like me. I looked at the guy and he pretended not to notice, but I think I recognize him from one of the old schools I used to attend. He was one of those bullies who kept pointing me out and telling other people that he hated me. Wow, it's almost been 4 years and this guy came back into my dreams to haunt me again! How strange.
Life for those with SA seems to follow the emotional ups and downs of the socially normal, only for us it's amplified/exaggerated. Our ups can be like triumphs - feeling we handled a situation well, or we went to that party and had a good time and felt like we made friends. But the downs - those are often the loneliest black holes. We feel like we'll never have the social graces others do. Never speak our minds. Never have the friends we want. And there's no one to turn to to help ease this weight off our chests. We carry this pain and stigma alone. Sometimes too afraid to turn to even each other. This is the nature of this disorder.

I'm feeling it today. I have friends, of a sort. But not the deep connections I want. I don't have the confidence most others seem to have. I always feel alone and insecure. My job is wearing on me. I'm getting depressed again and I haven't had time/energy/motivation to exercise for about a month now. I'm hoping to get some help very soon, though. I want to get into a social anxiety group therapy program. I hope I can.


Well-known member
I'm struggling to write an email to someone, I don't know what to write or how should I express myself or how much should I say. Guess I'm just overthinking.


Well-known member
I was feeling bad all day thinking about what to do with myself as I'm not getting any younger (though I feel like a kid :sad:). Tried to play one of my older video games when this sudden build-up of negative energy begins to fill my body. Or maybe I'm just hungry? Sometimes I get so depressed that I forget to eat.


not actually Fiona Apple
I heard an acoustic version of "Hey Ya!" on the radio the other day, and took a moment to listen to the lyrics, as I had noticed a lot of people like to do acoustic covers of the song. From the lyrics I picked up, it seemed like a very superficial and crass song, one that seemed not very fitting for an acoustic cover.

I then went online to look at the actual lyrics to see if the song's meaning was as skin deep as I picked up, and to my surprise discovered the opposite, that it was actually a very smart and frankly profound piece of music. Not only does the song have substance but it plays to the audience it designed for, making it all the more sad of an already sad song.


Well-known member
I think I need to go on a diet for a while. While I'm by no means 'big', I constantly feel sick because it feels like every pants I wear constrict my organs. And whenever I lean forward I can feel a fold pressing inward. A few days ago I was in quite a lot of pain for a while. Like, internal pain. I could care less for looks, but I can't stand feeling (potentially dangerously) unhealthy.

There isn't enough room in my room to do any kind of exercise unfortunately. I hope that between the diet and a bit more effort at work it'll do the trick.
Dieting is three-quarters of the battle, man. Even minor changes can work. Good luck. :)

I'm struggling to write an email to someone, I don't know what to write or how should I express myself or how much should I say. Guess I'm just overthinking.
Yeah, I think there's lots of people here, and elsewhere, who agonise over the wording of an email. You'll be okay. Just write out what you want and you can amend as you need to before hitting send. :)


Well-known member
I cannot believe i use world's slowest internet connection and still manage to remain addicted to mindless surfing, leaving all my work.