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  • look its a baby sloth aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww :)
    Arthur!, i'm fine, vacations are always nice! :D, how are you? i haven't seen you around!, todo en orden?
    :) Honestly, I read the Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, which has all the books in one book, so I have a hard time differentiating them. The first is probably my favorite, though. It's the introduction to the whole world!
    Gerrard? Oh you mean "Stevie G", that's what the media here call him. :rolleyes: I call him the cockroach, very selfish player.
    Hi Arthur. The picture was cool. Had to look closely before I realised what it was. I decided to call myself Psittacus because my dad actually owns two African Greys :)
    hola arturo, como estas? =) tal vez sera que no me fijo bien, pero ya no he visto tus posdatas de musica. me gustaria saber mas de tu estilo de musica en espanol.
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