Well-known member
^ The landscaping crew that comes around at 6:30 in the morning and starts up their jet engine lawn mowers and weed wackers.
thats gotta suck
People who think others are speaking in platitudes when they are really just trying to point out the obvious piss me off.
Platitudes, by definition, are the pointing out of the obvious.
When people walk 0.00000000001 mph in front of you and can't go around them because there are other people on either side of you or when you're walking behind someone, minding your own business, and all of a sudden they stop and turn around, bump into you, and give YOU the dirty look. Happens to me all the time at school. As if being around hundreds of obnoxious and rude people isn't bad enough, my school is overcrowded and this happens so often that I've already lost count of all the bruises I've received from bumping into people. Thank God this is my last year.....
myself lol
When people walk 0.00000000001 mph in front of you and can't go around them because there are other people on either side of you...
When people walk 0.00000000001 mph in front of you and can't go around them because there are other people on either side of you