just wanna b normal
Well-known member
people talking behind your back becuzz they dont have the guts to say it to your face!
^Does he clean it off the floor afterwards? No one should expect someone else to clean up their own waste from a floor. mg:People who are rude and impolite, people who seemingly have no manners, people who are ungrateful, my brother-in-law pissing all over the bathroom floor instead of the toilet.... just for starters.
^ I see what you did there....When people necropost in threads from five years ago.
My neighbour has been powerwashing his drive-way for nearly an hour.... I don't understand how people can do this when we should be preserving water, and energy. Why the **** does your driveway have to look clean??? ..It arises such a deep passionate anger in me... o_o;; ..-twitch-
For the sake of getting my anger out, post the things that piss you the **** off.
People that downplay my ringing in the ear that I have. People that don't understand how hard it is to live day in and day out with this constant "buzzing" sound in my head. People that say "OH I have had Tinnitus before, it's not that bad, I could live with it!!" HA! What a joke. I swear if I didn't find Lipo-Flavonoid a while back, that I would have probably gone crazy a long time ago. At least this ringing in the ear treatment worked, not like the other products (I'm nice, I'm not gonna call out names) that didn't do diddly for me. With anxiety and hyperhidrosis, it can be really hard to concentrate on anything else. Sigh...I just wish there were more places to talk about this stuff too. Other than a couple places that come to mind, we (people with Tinnitus in particular) really don't have many people that understand or know what we/I'm going though. Sucks...Thanks for listening everyone.