Things that piss you off...


Well-known member
Drivers who don't use their indicators. When you are sitting at an intersection and you wait for a driver to pass through then they indicate at the last possible moment and turn so you were waiting there for nothing. IT'S JUST COMMON COURTESY PEOPLE!!! Sorry for the caps just had to get that off my chest.
1.Hypocrisy. Its' not okay for me to yell at video games but YOU can yell at football scores.
2.Irresponsible parents. Don't let your child play Grand Theft Auto!....too late.
3.Religious nuts. Not EVERYTHING'S satanic.


Well-known member
laying in bed for hours on end n wanting to just fall asleep
being ignored
not being able to voice my own opinion when i get talked over
....people who dont understand social anxiety n think its not real just because they cant see it
It might sound odd, but dishwashers piss me off. Or more so, cleaning them out/in. I just can't make a good plan on how to clean it out/in, it's so unorganized. I'd rather do it by hand, honestly.


Well-known member
The woman's curse


Man whores/Sluts

Two faced, backstabbing, immature "friends"

People that take too much on and take it out on everyone else

Every teacher I had in 3RD, 4TH, 5TH, 6TH, AND 8TH grade

Stores that say they carry plus size clothing. A SIZE 12 IS NOT PLUS SIZE!!!

All those people who do NOT need food stamps or medical from the state but get it anyway

*sigh* Think I'll stop now...


Well-known member
Myself again. Oh, and that automatic air freshner that goes off every time I walk past it. I almost shat myself the first time it sprayed me. Maybe that's just it's way of telling me I need to wear some deodorant. lol Lightbulb! Thats what they ought to invent! A motion/smell sensor air freshner that senses when smelly people walk by and sprays them down. They could install a few of those in public bathrooms and clubs where some people walk in smelling like a garbage dump.


Today I was on hold for over an hour for some customer service thing on the phone. He was very rude and HUNG UP ON ME. These kinds of things really piss me off, especially since I'm powerless in the situation. I can't exactly punch him through the phone, and even if I call back I have to be on hold for over an hour again just to complain about him. I felt like I was gonna explode.


Well-known member
The damn landscaping crew that comes to my neighborhood on occasion. I told those guys my guy and I are more than capable of using our mower and are in the process of trying to clean up and cultivate the crappy yard that came with our house, so don't mow or trim here!

They're doing my neighbor's yard at the moment, and I'll be thoroughly heated if they step foot on my grass!