I love getting dressed up, and love the fact that everyone I knew pretty much I was going to see.
But apart from that, no. Food was amazing, but everything else was pretty darn average. We were made to walk in pairs in front of 500 people on a stage to receive our award. We didn't rehearse, and I was the leader, and had no idea where to go. I went to walk off the stage the wrong way and had to turn around. It sucked so bad, I hate an SP momo infront of everyone. :/ Photos of each individual on the stage getting their certificates, and 9/10 all

like, and I simply look like I wanna gtfo of there.
Then there comes dancing; we had to do a class dance infront of everyone. What the hell, who designs this bull shit. Dancing is so stupid - everyone looks like a dickhead, and they don't seem to know it. I feel shame just watching them, let alone participating. I don't even think it's the SP in me talking, dancing is lame.
Haha anyway it was nice to have perfect hair for once and fun to spend heaps of money on a dress and great photos with some of my best friends. Overall, the night got the "ok" rating.
Oh and the "after party". lol.
I had the genius idea of renting a limo afterwards, but none of my friends were interested. I was underage at the time, so no going out. So I get a lift to my mate's house and we pick up some stuff before planning on heading to my other friends house for a little sleepover. Half an hour after night ends, the friend whose house we were meant to be going to was "too tired" and decided to go to bed. We had nowhere to go so we eventually talked sleepy friend into waking up a bit and went to her house and just chilled in the living room. It was pretty crap.
The end.