How old were you when you lost your virginity?

I haven't read the entire thread but I have a feeling I'm more on the "loser" end of the scale than any of you, in the sex department! :D I "lost my virginity" at 26 but he didn't even consider it real sex because he didn't go all the way in. I'm 39 now and he was the only guy I ever "did it" with. So I don't even know if I'm a virgin or not and I'll be 40 next year!! I used to love that movie but now it hits too close to home. ::(:


Well-known member
I lost mine at 17 but I wished I would of saved my virginity for someone else...I was used in that relationship...


Well-known member
I haven't read the entire thread but I have a feeling I'm more on the "loser" end of the scale than any of you, in the sex department! :D I "lost my virginity" at 26 but he didn't even consider it real sex because he didn't go all the way in. I'm 39 now and he was the only guy I ever "did it" with. So I don't even know if I'm a virgin or not and I'll be 40 next year!! I used to love that movie but now it hits too close to home. ::(:
Do you care, though? Being 40 and a virgin isn't a bad thing. Not everyone can be interested in sex.


Active member
15 with my first ever bf, but i didn't think of it as something special or that it would change me, I was just really horny then.
Do you care, though? Being 40 and a virgin isn't a bad thing. Not everyone can be interested in sex.

Well, I don't want kids and I don't trust birth control, so that is a huge reason why I'm not sexually active, but I DO wish I could be though. I know I'm missing out. I don't want to get any older (therefore more unattractive) then my chances will go down even more, if they're not at zero right now! ::(: I care more about the relationship part of it than the sex part, but guys don't think I'm relationship material because of all my mental problems (they can pick up on that even though I don't know exactly what it is that I have).


Well-known member
Well, I don't want kids and I don't trust birth control, so that is a huge reason why I'm not sexually active, but I DO wish I could be though. I know I'm missing out. I don't want to get any older (therefore more unattractive) then my chances will go down even more, if they're not at zero right now! ::(: I care more about the relationship part of it than the sex part, but guys don't think I'm relationship material because of all my mental problems (they can pick up on that even though I don't know exactly what it is that I have).
My friends have told me that I'm missing out, as well. I? Are you? I know orgasms are pretty cool, but the act of sex just doesn't seem to excite me as much as it should, as what you feel, too.

Have you considered sex therapy? That might help you develop a relationship if you're desiring one. I'm sure I'll need something similar, as well.
My friends have told me that I'm missing out, as well. I? Are you? I know orgasms are pretty cool, but the act of sex just doesn't seem to excite me as much as it should, as what you feel, too.

I don't think it's so much the intercourse part of it that I crave (the few times I "did" it, it was painful, awkward, & not satisfying AT ALL), I think it's that I crave someone to hold me and love me, be there physically in every way except for going to home base :D

Have you considered sex therapy? That might help you develop a relationship if you're desiring one. I'm sure I'll need something similar, as well.

Oh when it comes to therapy, I need almost every kind there is! :D I haven't gotten to that yet, partly because I have no health insurance, not a lot of money, and I don't want my parents finding out. I don't need any more babying and attention from them than I'm already getting.


Well-known member
I don't think it's so much the intercourse part of it that I crave (the few times I "did" it, it was painful, awkward, & not satisfying AT ALL), I think it's that I crave someone to hold me and love me, be there physically in every way except for going to home base :D
I think I may be in the same boat, except I don't always crave the compassion part, either! But yeah, there are times when everyone wants somebody to snuggle with or hug or just to be there. Hopefully you find a man who doesn't care about sex (from a male's view, they're rare) and likes you for who you are.

Oh when it comes to therapy, I need almost every kind there is! :D I haven't gotten to that yet, partly because I have no health insurance, not a lot of money, and I don't want my parents finding out. I don't need any more babying and attention from them than I'm already getting.
Therapy of any description is very expensive, I can understand that. If you don't want your parents finding out, getting therapy and keeping it a secret is going to be a tough order. I am the same - need therapy but I don't want my parents discovering it. Good luck with everything, and remember that you're still in the prime of your life! :)

I've never kissed a boy and I don't plan to anytime soon.
Boys are overrated, anyway. ::p:
I think I may be in the same boat, except I don't always crave the compassion part, either! But yeah, there are times when everyone wants somebody to snuggle with or hug or just to be there. Hopefully you find a man who doesn't care about sex (from a male's view, they're rare) and likes you for who you are.

LOL Ain't that the truth...I'm picky with guys anyway so when you look at the fact that only 1% of them don't need to have sex, well, I'll probably be alone forever. ::(:

Therapy of any description is very expensive, I can understand that. If you don't want your parents finding out, getting therapy and keeping it a secret is going to be a tough order. I am the same - need therapy but I don't want my parents discovering it. Good luck with everything, and remember that you're still in the prime of your life! :)

Well I think our 20's and early 30's are our prime, i'm entering into the "you better have your life together by now" phase LOL But anyway, about therapy, I found an online therapy site and I signed up for it, the package I got is 4 emails for $140, which is awesome since most therapists charge more than that just for one sitting! But since this is online, it might not work, i'm just trying it because I need to do something.


Well-known member
LOL Ain't that the truth...I'm picky with guys anyway so when you look at the fact that only 1% of them don't need to have sex, well, I'll probably be alone forever. ::(:
Nah, you won't be. There's someone out there for you. I could've been that guy, since sex is not high on my list of things to do. Alas, I'm in my mid 20's and I'm Aussie. ::p:

Well I think our 20's and early 30's are our prime, i'm entering into the "you better have your life together by now" phase LOL But anyway, about therapy, I found an online therapy site and I signed up for it, the package I got is 4 emails for $140, which is awesome since most therapists charge more than that just for one sitting! But since this is online, it might not work, i'm just trying it because I need to do something.
That's a good idea. Yeah, it's online and it doesn't have that personal touch, but it's something to start with. And yeah, $140 is about what you would pay for a 50 minute session with a therapist so it's definitely worth trying. I hope that works out for you.

If now is the time I'm supposed to get my life in order...well, I'm screwed then!! ::p:
Nah, you won't be. There's someone out there for you. I could've been that guy, since sex is not high on my list of things to do. Alas, I'm in my mid 20's and I'm Aussie. ::p:

I prefer guys in their mid 20's actually! :D And I also prefer guys with accents. But, there's still that damn distance! ::(:

If now is the time I'm supposed to get my life in order...well, I'm screwed then!! ::p:

Well at least you still have time, my time is clearly passed. I would give one of my toes to be in my 20's again, even 29!!


Well-known member
I prefer guys in their mid 20's actually! :D And I also prefer guys with accents. But, there's still that damn distance! ::(:
Yeah, the distance can be a hassle, haha. Seems like I fit that criteria otherwise, though. :cool:

Well at least you still have time, my time is clearly passed. I would give one of my toes to be in my 20's again, even 29!!
I have time, but it slips away quickly and quietly. Before long I'll be 30 and I'll probably be in the same boat as I am now.


Well-known member
27 year old virgin here. I really just want to find a woman to connect with as a girlfriend, and love me. I view sex as a side item. Maybe that cuz I've never had it? I guess i wouldn't know, lol.