^ Yeah I agree. Its only worth it if its with somebody you really care about. Sex without love is pointless and I don't care much for it. It frustrates me when I'm out with people who boast about their meaningless conquests or who 'go out on the pull'. I won't lie, I've done that in the past, but I'm really not interested anymore because to me it was nice for a few minutes but after that... so what? Another few weeks worrying if pregnant (I always use protection but worry anyway). I'm more interested in travelling than sex. In fact if I had to choose one over the other, I'd choose travelling. But some people out there cannot believe that. I've even been accused of being a prude before. Nice.
I'm very lucky that a few of my best friends feel the same way. We seldom talk about sex and it's great.
With another group of people however... a couple of them just want to talk about all the disgusting facts all the time. It's not because they want advice, they just want to show off. And as somebody who has quite a visual mind, I'd rather not know.
I feel similar, but like you said most people do not believe you, I haven't had sex since my girlfriend left me over 2 years ago and I can't really say I am that bothered, for me it was being close to someone that was the best, even if we didn't have sex. Don't want to go into too much detail but before when I was with her she was with holding it for a few months and it didn't really bother me that much. Sure I got urges sometimes but I can respect that she was not in the mood even if I didn't understand why. She asked me what if I never gave you it again? Would you be bothered? and I was like "well I like it but if you never wanted to again, I'm not going to leave you for it, I would learn to live with it" haaa and she leaves me! maybes that is why, maybes it was a test lol. Either way I know she wasn't right for me so it's ok.
As for the one night stands / pulling thing. I really don't see the point in that and I can't actually do it, I have got down over it many times, trying to tell myself "just be like everyone else go and pull!" but I just can't do it, I've tried to re-program myself to just be like go have fun, pull someone, have sex, never see them again but it's just not me and you can't be anything but you can you? I can't have sex if there is no emotion or attachment, if it's meaningless then I just can't do it!
I'd often choose other things over sex but everyone around me seems to think that is odd and wrong. I don't though and I can see you don't