How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
27 year old virgin here. I really just want to find a woman to connect with as a girlfriend, and love me. I view sex as a side item. Maybe that cuz I've never had it? I guess i wouldn't know, lol.

Oh, and you sound alot like me, I want the friendship more than sex, but the sex wouldnt exactly be unwelcome


Well-known member
Soon 20. Haven't done it yet.

Makes me a bit sad to be honest.

You're only 19. 19 years is just a small fraction of a human life and you'll have plenty of time to lose it. :)

While it may seem so at the moment, sex isn't really as big of a deal as you'd expect it to be; the intimacy part is what makes it awesome.


Well-known member
You're only 19. 19 years is just a small fraction of a human life and you'll have plenty of time to lose it. :)

While it may seem so at the moment, sex isn't really as big of a deal as you'd expect it to be; the intimacy part is what makes it awesome.

Yes you are right (i'm not exactly old as a dinosaur ::p:) but the people I know around me have all lost it at a pretty young age and they always wonder why i'm never talking about sex or relationships. Like there is something wrong with me. Also i'm kinda pessimistic, I just don't see how it would ever happen to me (i'm imagining one scenario).

Yeah, people talk about losing your virginity as something life changing, I mean c'mon you are still probably the same person after the act. Not a biggie ::p:


Well-known member
it wasn't sex that was life was the orgasm thing that was life changing. and you certainly don't need a partner for that.


Well-known member
Yes you are right (i'm not exactly old as a dinosaur ::p:) but the people I know around me have all lost it at a pretty young age and they always wonder why i'm never talking about sex or relationships. Like there is something wrong with me. Also i'm kinda pessimistic, I just don't see how it would ever happen to me (i'm imagining one scenario).

Yeah, people talk about losing your virginity as something life changing, I mean c'mon you are still probably the same person after the act. Not a biggie ::p:

Losing 'it' wasn't the turning point in getting rid of my anxiety; I was cured from the most severe aspects of SA before I had sex for the first time. :)

Here's one way to see it: There's no reason why it would not happen to you in a close future. I was a virgin at your age and afraid that I'd have to resort to hookers to ever get the opportunity to lose it. Now, I'm just emotionally frustrated--not sexually. :cool:


Well-known member
it wasn't sex that was life was the orgasm thing that was life changing. and you certainly don't need a partner for that.

It didn't work that way for me... had plenty of solo orgasms before I lost my virginity, but it didn't seem to make a difference in my life. Once I lost my virginity, I had more self confidence and felt like I was growing up, and that I was going to have a lot of fun. ;)


Well-known member
It didn't work that way for me... had plenty of solo orgasms before I lost my virginity, but it didn't seem to make a difference in my life. Once I lost my virginity, I had more self confidence and felt like I was growing up, and that I was going to have a lot of fun. ;)

aww bummer! lol hmm maybe it was just that way for me...if so, that is a very interesting thing i need to discuss with my therapist!:eek:


Well-known member
Losing 'it' wasn't the turning point in getting rid of my anxiety; I was cured from the most severe aspects of SA before I had sex for the first time. :)

Here's one way to see it: There's no reason why it would not happen to you in a close future. I was a virgin at your age and afraid that I'd have to resort to hookers to ever get the opportunity to lose it. Now, I'm just emotionally frustrated--not sexually. :cool:

Yes. I guess I'll have to get rid of many of my physical complex that i'm battling with (one major reason I find it frightening to jump in bed with someone). But i'm on my way :)


Well-known member
There seems to be a lot of pressure on the subject and I think that's a shame. One of the things I liked most about living in a different culture where they don't have sex until marriage, was that there was less of this nauseating speak about "has she or hasn't she?". Here in the UK I think it's often seen as a bit of a race... who will be first! It's really sad. In both ways really. And don't get me started on "I Have Never".

Yes this is completely true.


Well-known member
aww bummer! lol hmm maybe it was just that way for me...if so, that is a very interesting thing i need to discuss with my therapist!:eek:

I'd imagine a lot of it is circumstantial. I had a very committed boyfriend at the time, and we lost our virginity to each other. It helped solidify our relationship and we were both excited to have someone to experiment sexually with. We dated for another 3 years after that and the breakup was mutual with no hurt feelings on either side, so all around it was a good experience. I really think I just got lucky in that situation... thankfully so, because I usually have some pretty bad luck. ::p:


Well-known member
I try not to listen to society as a whole, anyway. They are responsible for stir-up pants, acid wash jeans, and the flattop haircut.

erhmm hahahahahaha
but wait, flattop haircut, what exactly is that, I wonder if it´s that early 90s hairstyle that Brandon Walsh from beverly Hills 90210 had


Well-known member
sounds young now but it felt old at the time

I really think I just got lucky in that situation.

I lost mine at 16, to the boyfriend I had been with for three months and who I stayed with for another two years (and a further three years later on). We loved each other and were totally inseparable that first year. And I was ready for it: losing my virginity had been my New Year's resolution.

I'll be forever grateful to Jon for those formative experiences; I've no doubt they set me up for a mostly happy sex life, and cemented an association between sex and love. I think I was extremely lucky.
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Well-known member
Err no and am not in a hurry tbh, havent even kissed a girl or held a hand either but hey life is tough aint it!


Well-known member
I'm 22.
And still A virgin.
Not by choice...well..Not at first.
I mean... I've had girls come on to me and even ask(Only a my 22 years.. I'm not claiming to be Mr sexy or anything.haha)
But I was far too shy to do anything.
And then as I got older I just started watching people....
I developed a kind of weird feeling towards sex.
It's not that it's bad...It's good(I assume.::p:) and hope to do it someday...But im not the least afraid of dying a virgin.
I think people are too obsessed with it and let it rule their lives.
And often mistake lust for a relationship on it and don't understand why it falls apart.
Are careless with the idea of spreading disease or creating a life.
Sex is fine and there's no problem with liking it...I just wish people would use their brains and stop acting like wild animals.

And I hate that people are so afraid of the title of "virgin" that they will do drastic,stupid, and dangerous things to stay away from it.

....Sorry for my little rant.hehe