How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
um... I've never ever lost it and I don't know if I ever will.

Well, maybe at some point once I plan on having children. :D


Well-known member
I don't remember exactly how old I was - like mid-20's. It was with someone that I loved, who was patient, and taught me well! ;) We were together for about 3.5 years. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a cheater and in the end broke my heart. In retrospect, it was for the best as we really didn't have all that much in common as far as interests go (but the sex was a lot of fun!). Oh, what I would give to be young and in love again!


Well-known member
I lost mine when I was 18 in a motel with my boyfriend who just got back from Iraq. It was his first to. Not very romantic.


Well-known member
im 17, a girl, and a virgin. I've had a boyfriend before and we held hands and sometimes kissed and he was really horny and ive had the chance to have sex but i didn't.

it's not like im a puritan abstinent "wait until marriage" type. i think sex would be good and i dont care if i do it before marriage or not, and my sex drive is probably as high as any guy's. but i want to do it with someone who im emotionally attached to, who i trust and maybe even love, someone who i wont regret doing it with and someone who ive been with for a long time and would stay with me. i dont want it to be meaningless for the sake of doing it, with some guy ive known for a week and i dont feel any emotions toawrds.

im also afraid of the anxiety, awkwardness, pregnancy risk, std risk, and how the other person would feel about me afterwards. ::eek::

and i don't like people who do it with anyone just because they're horny or curious or infatuated or all their friends did it or think they are suppose to do it with their first boyfriend or girlfriend.


Well-known member
29, a few months shy of being 30, a 1 night stand with an ex-friend only happened bc I was drunk off my ass and stoned on MJ if I had to live my life all over again, I would of done it much younger and be more open about sex. Then a fling followed with another guy I know because I told him I was curious and wanted to learn how to do it.
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Well-known member
I'm 37 and still a virgin. I haven't had a girlfriend. ::eek:: Sometimes I feel I need one.:D

No homo but you look a handsome guy, also you are Latino and women seem to like Latino guys. I wish i was Latino, instead i am a pasty skinned celt.


Well-known member
Oh, and you sound alot like me, I want the friendship more than sex, but the sex wouldnt exactly be unwelcome

I agree! If you wan't a relationship just for the sex you should just pay a prostitute...It's cheaper that way! What i'm saying is what's the use of having no emotional attachment? I've heard of countless men and even some women who complain that they are not gettin ''laid'' as if that's the sole purpose of life.


Active member
If you haven't yet, you can state your current age if you want.

I really don't see the point in making a thread like this. This is a forum for SA sufferers, so you can probably guess that the majority of people are still virgins.


Well-known member
I really don't see the point in making a thread like this. This is a forum for SA sufferers, so you can probably guess that the majority of people are still virgins.

Maybe i was naieve in thinking that all sa sufferers were like me; A virgin and never been in a relationship/dated, but i was wrong. I was very suprised how people who have trouble being social can get as intimate as sex.


Well-known member
I'm still a virgin and refused several opportunities, not all of them because of anxiety.

I don't think I want to have sex. What I want is to connect with people and I never connected with anyone, so I will remain alone as long as I don't feel I connect with someone and that someone feels the same (if it ever happens).


Well-known member
I was 15, she was 17. was so nervous, didnt know what i was doing, and it wasnt very good.

She dumped me a week after, LOL.

I dont remember much except to say it was over really quick.
I was 19. I made the choice to do it with a friend because weeks earlier I had been sexually assulted and at the time, I was thinking that I would rather have control over my first time rather than have it taken from me. It seems so stupid now that I look back.


Well-known member
I was 19. I made the choice to do it with a friend because weeks earlier I had been sexually assulted and at the time, I was thinking that I would rather have control over my first time rather than have it taken from me. It seems so stupid now that I look back.

No it wasn't. You went through a very painful experience and that was your way of coping with it. There's nothing wrong with that, and nobody should say other wise. I'm very sorry you got hurt like that, I hope that pain will be gone or at least, barley linger. I hope that that man will pay for what he did, and that you never have to suffer like that again. No body should have to suffer like that...I'm sorry, things like that truly upset me.


Well-known member
I'm a 24 year old female and it has yet to happen. No sex, no fooling around, not even kissing. Forever alone.