im 17, a girl, and a virgin. I've had a boyfriend before and we held hands and sometimes kissed and he was really horny and ive had the chance to have sex but i didn't.
it's not like im a puritan abstinent "wait until marriage" type. i think sex would be good and i dont care if i do it before marriage or not, and my sex drive is probably as high as any guy's. but i want to do it with someone who im emotionally attached to, who i trust and maybe even love, someone who i wont regret doing it with and someone who ive been with for a long time and would stay with me. i dont want it to be meaningless for the sake of doing it, with some guy ive known for a week and i dont feel any emotions toawrds.
im also afraid of the anxiety, awkwardness, pregnancy risk, std risk, and how the other person would feel about me afterwards. :

and i don't like people who do it with anyone just because they're horny or curious or infatuated or all their friends did it or think they are suppose to do it with their first boyfriend or girlfriend.