How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
^ Same here. Well, I'm 18, but still. :p

Oh, I've drank alcohol before though. Not partying and getting drunk, but my family's Italian, so we usually have wine on holidays and such... And then I remember having it during Communion, haha. That did not taste good at all. Really, that red wine was awful. Yuck!

I haven't had my first kiss yet though. Which makes me sad, and I feel foolish for it at the same time.

Anyway, sorry I'm rambling. Point being, I'm also a teen that hasn't gotten drunk, done drugs, or had sex.

Well now we have that in common since I just turned 18 a few days ago ::p:
That's fine though. I meant like on an occasional basis where you actually get drunk and do stupid stuff so cheers to you sister! :D
And woo~ Another fellow Italian here (partially) who has a little bit of wine on the holidays as part of tradition. As for my Communion, the wine actually wasn't that bad, so maybe it was just your church's bad taste in fine wine? ::p:


Well-known member
I was 15. It was with the wrong guy and too early for me, but I just wanted to not be virgin, I guess


Well-known member
Six years old. No joke. She was twelve. It happened many times. I am not really sure if you could call it sure didn't feel like abuse. But I was not ready to be exposed to that. I sometimes wonder what type of effect it had on my mind. :confused:


Well-known member
Well now we have that in common since I just turned 18 a few days ago ::p:
That's fine though. I meant like on an occasional basis where you actually get drunk and do stupid stuff so cheers to you sister! :D
And woo~ Another fellow Italian here (partially) who has a little bit of wine on the holidays as part of tradition. As for my Communion, the wine actually wasn't that bad, so maybe it was just your church's bad taste in fine wine? ::p:
^ D: I missed your birthday?! Well happy belated birthday! :D

Yay for Italians! *high five*

Yeah my church had horrible wine. XP I tried it once and never had wine during Communion again.


Well-known member
I wasnt as young as panicsurvivor, but i was still way too young. I was 11, she was 17. At the time, she said she was doing me a favor and teaching me what girls liked.

I wont lie. I enjoyed it. Alot. So much that it happened alot. But the problems didnt manifest themselves untill much later. Whenever i would get a girlfriend all i could think about was funsies. I finally had to come to terms with what had happened and realized that it had a profound impact on my life and the way i thought about sex.

I sure am glad ive grown since then


I was too young. Do I regret it every day? Yes. It holds me back a lot...
Wait until you're REALLY ready!


Well-known member
I'm 19 and still a virgin, in more than one way. But, I don't really care about it because no one else knows that I'm a virgin. It's not like I'm wearing some sort of neon sign saying "I'm a virgin." So, if no one knows or cares, why should I let what others think of it affect me. I can wait until the right time; of course, I still have to work on talking to a girl first::p:.


Well-known member
Lost it at 20. Thanks to MTV and high school movies, losing it at 12 is a badge of honour; any guy who's 16 and still has his V-card is a loser.


Well-known member
I gave it up too young. it's was horrible and painful. I hated myself afterward.

with that said, i still wouldn't have waited for marriage or anything like that. i just would have waited longer so it wasn't so immature and rushed. losing your virginity can be a lovely thing, a comical thing, or the worst sexual experience of your is what you make it.


Well-known member
I'm 20 and I haven't lost it. I'm not ashamed or proud of it, it's just me. I just don't want it to be pointless, I don't care about what others say about it, everyone already said **** of me.

I want to find someone special. Someone who I make happy and that makes me happy too. If then it gets to sexual relationships, good, but it's not what I'm looking for. I know I'm young and all that, but knowing myself I don't have much hope. Maybe I will die like this, but I'd rather find love and not have sex than have sex without love.


Well-known member
I'm 20 and haven't had sex, though I've had two "proper" relationships. I might wait until marriage, not that I'll be able to find a guy who is willing lol!


Well-known member
I'm 20 and I haven't lost it. I'm not ashamed or proud of it, it's just me. I just don't want it to be pointless, I don't care about what others say about it, everyone already said **** of me.

I want to find someone special. Someone who I make happy and that makes me happy too. If then it gets to sexual relationships, good, but it's not what I'm looking for. I know I'm young and all that, but knowing myself I don't have much hope. Maybe I will die like this, but I'd rather find love and not have sex than have sex without love.

I posted my reply before checking earlier posts, and saw your post above mine, from a fellow 20-year-old virgin :p You sound like a rare breed!

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I was sorta a late bloomer, 23. In retrospect it was a good thing I waited that long, though it used to make me feel down at the time. It was a good experience. No, he didn't love me; I didn't love him either. He was a friend I would make out with sometimes, and then one day I wanted to and so it happened.