How old were you when you lost your virginity?



I wish people would let this thread die. All it does is make people feel bad about themselves. I've noticed that most people are saying around the same age range but no one in late 20s-30s... While we're at it why not make a "who's the cutest" or "who's the smartest" thread? Im sure that would work wonders on peoples self confidence.
nope! not even close! :eek:...and I'm 26.....

Although it's kinda out of choice....I seem to be quite a rare breed nowadays, but I still believe it's best to wait til you find your soulmate, fall in love, get married and then have sex....that way seems more special and secure to me.

but then again, I doubt I could get laid if I tried anyway

Why marriage necessarily?


Well-known member
16 - to my boyfriend of about 2 years. (8 years total)

How about I add:
And then he broke up with me out of the blue one month before the wedding that he begged me for, never spoke to me again, smashed my heart into a thousand pieces and I spent 2 years in a depressed fog, wanting to die, crying myself to sleep every night -- and the depression continues. I still want to die most of the time.
The end.

Does that make anyone feel better?


New member
I was 16. And, to be honest, I'm glad that relationship never lasted....ugh...he was such a dweeb. I believe he is married now, and smoking lots of pot with his wife...not my scene.


Well-known member
17 and I still havent kissed a girl or even had a gf let alone losing my virginity. I doubt il have a chance anytime soon,il probably be a 40 year old virgin.Or I just wont have it ever.
I did last week at the age of 20. And I have to say, I don't get what all the fuzz is about. Sure, it was nice, but not nearly as nice as the whole world makes it out to be.

It's just not worth obsessing over. The first time (given it's with a fellow virgin) is most likely going to be a little awkward anyway, it might be natural put evidentially has learning curve. You don't feel like a different person afterwards, everything remains virtually the same.


Well-known member
i didn't really ever lose it

i just left it lying around someplace

...I don't get what all the fuzz is about. Sure, it was nice, but not nearly as nice as the whole world makes it out to be....


it's not like the world splits open and angels and unicorns come out signing in a shower of rainbows

it's just a marker - a rite of passage

like the first time driving a car

or the first time drinking liquor legally

or the first time voting

alot of people never do those things either

and even if they do, a lot of people don't do them very well


Well-known member
I'm 17 and proud to say that, unlike most modern teenagers, I haven't had sex, done drugs, drank alcohol (intentionally at least..) and all that other magical stuff.

Sex, to me, is like your first kiss. Everyone makes a big deal out of it at first, saying "Oh it's amazing! You feel this and that and blah blah..", then when you finally experience it for yourself the first thing to come to mind is: "That's it...?"

Well, at least that's what my reaction to my first kiss was like. It happened during PE in 9th grade. My bf was all sweaty from running the mile and when he leaned down and did the deed, I didn't feel any "sparks" or that "dizzy, head in the clouds" feeling. All I felt was badly chapped lips pressing against mine and the disgust from tasting the sweat that got on my lips xP

...Okaayy I'm just rambling again, especially when I'm supposed to be talking about another certain something that involves kissing and sweat...lots and lots of it ;) ::p:


Well-known member
it's not like the world splits open and angels and unicorns come out signing in a shower of rainbows

it's just a marker - a rite of passage

like the first time driving a car

or the first time drinking liquor legally

or the first time voting

alot of people never do those things either

and even if they do, a lot of people don't do them very well

Well, the world splitting open with angels and unicorns coming out singing in a shower of rainbows is possible if you do it while on shrooms or something ::p:

Other than that, very well put :D


Well-known member
I'm 17 and proud to say that, unlike most modern teenagers, I haven't had sex, done drugs, drank alcohol (intentionally at least..) and all that other magical stuff.
^ Same here. Well, I'm 18, but still. :p

Oh, I've drank alcohol before though. Not partying and getting drunk, but my family's Italian, so we usually have wine on holidays and such... And then I remember having it during Communion, haha. That did not taste good at all. Really, that red wine was awful. Yuck!

I haven't had my first kiss yet though. Which makes me sad, and I feel foolish for it at the same time.

Anyway, sorry I'm rambling. Point being, I'm also a teen that hasn't gotten drunk, done drugs, or had sex.


I was 19 years old and I was tired of waiting for a serious boyfriend so I had a summer fling and accomplished my goal. It didn't end very well, but it gave me some life experience.


Well-known member
18. It was a one night stand. Trying to push my anxiety boundaries. I failed. Terribly.

Ten years later and I still haven't figured out how to enjoy sex. Unless I'm by myself. Then it's great. ::eek::