How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Feeling awesome after my swim, 2000 m, felt like I could keep doing laps. Hopefully I feel this confident on my next session. I want to feel sure of myself before I commit to my first triathlon.


Well-known member
I'ma force myself to go exercise! I am so tired though it's been a long day and I haven't drunk enough water/eaten properly and I've smoked quite a bit so this will kill me. And it's cold out D: But I'mmma do it


Well-known member

Jogged on the spot for one minute. More of a marching action than a run or jog. The pinching in my back has stopped, alhtough there is minor discomfort in my hip.

My blog
I haven't written or visited my blog fr a few days, and therefore have been able to distance myself from the events of last year that really troubled me. The blog seems to keep dredging those feelings up. When I have moved on, I want to go back and keep it for what is was intended a running bog.


Super Moderator
Terrible. Things have gotten a lot worse and my therapist is not f*cking helping. I can't overcome all this by myself, I don't have the motivation either. I don't know what to do.
Annoyed. You don't know yourself. People seem to shove this at me.
As if I forgot I am an outcast.
Makes me so very low. Turn day into dark cold night.
"You don't know yourself." ****ing phrase.
I know me! I am me!
Unpredictable, unexpected, random.
To everyone else: get used to it!


Well-known member
I can only make sense of this world through running. So many people so quick to jump to conclusions about me that are wrong.


New member
Horrible, as of late I have been feeling worse and worse. Dunno if I can deal with this nonstop depression and anxiety alone. Mostly because the people in my life do not understand it. I told a few but they think that I am overreacting which makes it worse. U know?