How are you feeling?


Well-known member
frustrated and scared (a bit)
not sure what to do

bad time management?? (again?)

(go to the (possibly fun) social do
or do some typing...? that I kinda thought I'd have done already...?)
Hey Flowerie!

Parents can get 'burst outs' like this - my mom has done it many times, with me or sis.. or dad did.. they don't understand the internet/computer and may get 'jealous' of it..
on the other hand, 'internet' can be an addiction, so some balance is good.. I read 5+ hours computer a day can cause depression and memory/concentration problems (!) so... it's better to limit your time a bit..

Your mom just cares about you and has odd ways of showing it!!
Sorry to hear she can't be more sympathetic or inspirational..
Good techniques to combat 'mom anger' are doing the dishes or doing the laundry.. have you tried that yet?

Also, I had a 'day without computer' (almost) yesterday and found I could go to bed more early and get up more early too.. So your sleeping times can be adjusted.. Do you have 'Delayed Sleep Phase' syndrome too? (can't go to sleep at night, can't get up in the morning..)

Also, if you are working on a project, maybe you can include your mom? (works for some things, like she can help with contacts or how to approach someone or something she knows better..) my mom has helped me with eco things quite a bit.. (and she also understands my concerns better if I talk to her about them.. like specifically, 'I'm afraid this person will think/say/do... what do you think would be the best thing to say/way to approach them?') So maybe your mom could become 'project partner' instead of 'obstacle'/additional problem?
It may take a while, do not expect miracles...

And can you go for a walk every day? Works wonders against depression, also she won't know if you went alone or with a friend/relative/etc?

Thanks Feathers, First of all, I would do the laundry and dishes anytime when I could occur these kind of situations! So bring it on with the dishes, I don´t mind at all! I just scrubbed the floor, I let the dog out, I re-organized the Dishwasher (Yeah, we´ve got one, but we do the dishes alot too).
I really don´t mind doing that.

But I can relate to what you say about the Sleep Phase syndrome, I can´t fall asleep at night, Just keep staying up, and in the morning I wake up TOOOOO late. I should start make a difference today. Because I know my mom will say the same tomorrow again. Pff... I´ll wake up early tomorrow :). I will set my timer, I know the time my mom wakes up, so I will suprise her, with breakfast, I will show her I can make a change!!
This gives me a good feeling, that I actually have the will to do this, but sadly It only lasts for a week and I take the same old stupid habit.
Maybe I should make a schedule, or a planning list.
Yeah men, having great ideas!!! Everything to occur these situations.

Well Internet sure is very important to me, But I love doing other activities too, Just E-mailed my coach about an Activity centre in my town.
I hope he can help me to get there. The activities are like ´´Painting,Drawing,doing sports,Cooking.´´ It´s for people who cannot go to school or work.

Doing a walk is a good idea, but now it´s raining.

At least my mom and I watch a tv serie every evening, I´m glad we have some time together, those moments make me feel good. Because I know we can have a good time too, But when we´re all just doing our own thing and when we´re frustrated.. Pff, But we just need a huge life change, we all need that, that will do alot.

About the project partner idea, I think she likes to help me with projects, so that´s a good idea. Maybe I share too much of my probs with her, but at the same time she asks alot about it. She´s overly protective, but she cares for me. That´s really good. But sometimes the frustration of bringing it this way, It hits me. But I know she loves me and I love her so much

Wow long post, sorry
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Well-known member
Hell yes! Night run without knee pain at a decent pace. Strategically placed bandaid on the blister hot spot and wore calf guards, appear to be a recipe for success. Didn't feel like a douche wearing calf guards at night as no one can see me :)

6.85 km
04:53 pace

I thought a "calf guard" went on the front of your pick-up truck:



Well-known member
Huh i feel bad i have damn headache and hurt me back as hell, eyes burn me, i guess i feel suffering today whole day coolest cant be really:(
I´m feeling Sportive :) Just played Wii Fitt for an hour :rolleyes:
Have been doing yoga poses, muscles training, and funny games!
I like the pinguin game it´s so funny :D And I´ve been jogging a long distance level :). Great fun


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that ::(:. I know the feeling, and unfortunately can't give you a good advice rather than enjoy the small things life gives you, that's what keeps my sanity (or what's left of it).

I'm not feeling good right now. The only difference between crap and me is that I smell a little bit better...I hope ? It's my sister's birthday though, so I gotta try to cheer up and be a good company after I'm done with this afternoon exam, I want to see her happy.

Thanks man, just to know that someone read that is a boost of confidence enough. Good luck with that exam, hope i'm not too late in saying that. It's good to see you wanna see your sister happy, that's the way it should be. Wish I could say that good will is in my family too.

Huh i feel bad i have damn headache and hurt me back as hell, eyes burn me, i guess i feel suffering today whole day coolest cant be really:(

Hope you feel better DS. :) *gives marshmallow* - sorry marshmallows...


Well-known member
i felt so inadequate earlier certain situations during today i was at work and i stood between two people and the one to the left was talking all the time to his mate in his own language (they're foreigners) and the other one to the right was talking to hers i felt this enormous sense of being left out felt really crap for hours afterwards.
Dreading the 500 word essay I have to write about my life for Monday. I might just copy the one I wrote when I was 5.... or make it very fictional!


Well-known member
made it through another meeting with one of our vendors - ordering new merchandise for next season

really nervous about messing the whole thing up - both ordering the wrong things and just making procedural errors - so it probably took twice as long as it should have

but I feel good that I got through it, and also that my boss keeps trusting me to handle it on my own


Well-known member
I'm sure you've done good Coyote. You are way too hard on yourself. You wouldn't have got the position you have if you weren't up to it.


Well-known member
Dreading the 500 word essay I have to write about my life for Monday. I might just copy the one I wrote when I was 5.... or make it very fictional!

You could always just write about your ideas, ideals, wishes and plans, values, view of life etc too...?
(It doesn't have to be 'life' as it is, it can be past/present/future or the way you see things... 500 words isn't a lot! You can fill it up fast!!)

PS Love your username! :)


Well-known member
I've been brave today, feeling good..
though I didn't do much typing! :)

hope I don't get too many consequences tomorrow for eating that yummy cake! Ha! :)


Well-known member
Thanks man, just to know that someone read that is a boost of confidence enough. Good luck with that exam, hope i'm not too late in saying that. It's good to see you wanna see your sister happy, that's the way it should be. Wish I could say that good will is in my family too.

Hope you feel better DS. :) *gives marshmallow* - sorry marshmallows...

*eated marshmallows* do you have some more?:D But dont helped me on headache i dont wanna take pill on headache i take it always only if is necessary because if u took to much often they arent helping. Thank u for kind words;)

I hope u will feel better soon and sell tune of marshmallows!


Still feel apathetic as ever...and unwanted mainly because I overheard someone making plans for Valentine's. I was thinking it could be nice if I joined but I wouldn't look right being there without a mate(they're bringing their partners). Motherwolff wants to find love too, but Motherwolff cannot! Therefore, I feel very unwanted. T-T


not actually Fiona Apple
Still feel apathetic as ever...and unwanted mainly because I overheard someone making plans for Valentine's. I was thinking it could be nice if I joined but I wouldn't look right being there without a mate(they're bringing their partners). Motherwolff wants to find love too, but Motherwolff cannot! Therefore, I feel very unwanted. T-T

Talking in the 3rd person is totally awesome :D just thought I'd let you know.