How are you feeling?

oww, were you working with something like that - full of dust & not enough ventilation? hope things get better!!

did you go see a doctor?

No, I haven't been to the doctor, because I think I know what went wrong. A stupid (series of) mistake(s) on my part.

The shop (including the air) gets very dusty. It being flu season doesn't really help either. And combined with too little sleep, I guess my body just decided it was enough. I think I'm going to have to watch my sleeping pattern very closely from now on. And eat healtier too, that must make some kind of difference.

Hope you're doing a little better then you were as well. I've noticed you've been feeling bad more often then usual. Hope everything's alright on your end.
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Well-known member
miserable (RL stuff)

not brave, feeling silly (and maybe unreasonable?)

but I had to say it.. hm?
(I wish I didn't, but then I'd always wonder? and it's better that they know, not?)

maybe time for some Japanese drama? (but I'd need to write a report or something? grr)

Wishing that the miserableness doesn't last.

Just G

Well-known member
I'm feeling a bit anxious over going back to college tomorrow, but I realize I don't need to be.

This is my opportunity to go out there and get what I want.

The world is mine.


Well-known member
I just feel terrible. Gonna self destruct soon...
Guess it was inevitable. Nothing ever goes right for me...


Well-known member
For whatever happened, I'm sorry to hear that it hurt you so Emu...

I am feeling really ashamed of having been happy and acted so in certain, tiny little situations.

Does anybody feel ashamed of their 'other moods' when they're in a different mood? Maybe I should post this as a thread but I felt like I'd made too many


Well-known member
Today, I just feel like one big depressed pile of crap. I've just gone through so much in the last 4 months, I'm pretty much sick of everything. :(


Pirate from the North Pole
Well I think I probably stole everyone's energy/will for the day because I've been overly productive and sociable. Now I'm tired though.

Oh yeah I forgot to eat, that's it.


Well-known member
Puma & Kiwong, thanks! :)

Puma, I wonder if anything can be done, for the air to get less dusty?
Healthy food & good sleep helps, yeah! Also going for regular walks on fresh air, ideally 2x a day..

Well, been making progress with the eco club, sorta v.scared lol, but it's to be expected.. There are really good moments too, maybe I just don't write about'em.. (And of course it's the PMS again, same thing almost every month lol..) sometimes it's better to be miserable & productive, than happy and do nothing, no? :)

Pacific, eat!! :)


Well-known member
Thinking let my head explode one day - analysing the causes of a failures again and again misery...nothing is going well in my live im self-damaged weapon.


Well-known member
not good... i had a very big scare today... i choked on some food and i couldn't breathe.. was about to pass out.. i knew i had to do something fast.. i was panicking so bad, so i reached in and pulled it out, which made me throw up lots due to the gag reflex, so yea... great day.. needless to say i am grateful to be alive at least..


Well-known member
Sit, be calm. Breathe in sunshine, breathe out thoughts. Your damage will heal, all will be well. Find that quiet mindspace and rest. Breathe in sunshine, breathe out thoughts.

This sound etheric:)what u wrote. Thank u for advice if i walked out from my home prison then propably i will feel better but my fear is stronger being humiliated,being rejected.


Well-known member
I feel really good, yesterday i made a routine time table and put it on the fridge :D Just finished my hour of exercise, all sweaty ew. So time for breakfast and what not hehe.