How are you feeling?


Well-known member
^ That's wonderful Escape Artist. Spontaneous happiness and contentment, not too shabby at all.

I'm frustrated. Day six and my back is still sore. Much better, but now the back pain is radiating down into my butt! Proving that back injuries are a pain in the butt both literally and metaphorically.
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Well-known member
Still on the way down from a busy stressful day at work today. Once I had the Ice Break in me, it seemed to calm me down a bit.


Well-known member
Phillydalphia creamcheese, that's not true! It's completely impossible to be phony all of your life... You seem sincere and genuine a person to me, and if you stress over being phony, then you must really try to be otherwise. Not a phony

I may seem genuine, but I've stifled myself so much for so long now because of my issues that the only "me" that comes through hardly matches the real me anymore. I'm capable of so much more but when sifted past a screen of SA, Avpd and depression only a shadow remains.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Very tired. I seriousley need to sleep at a reasonable time tonight. But I feel like now I have somthing to focus on, my sleep. Like if I got a lot of sleep then I'd have to be wide awake for most of school. Be very tired, or very bored. Eh.....


Well-known member
Well it happened again. I treat everyone in my household with respect and kindness and they repay me by treating me like a nobody. I wish I could just be as unkind as them, but for some reason I just can't find the strength to do it. I feel like an idiot. ::(:
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Well-known member
Pretty damn good actually. Even though I have exams in a few weeks I have had a great day and a fair bit to look forward to! I just watched my team win at home which was fantastic and I have a few more games line up to go to over the next week. I also had some decent conversations with some people I was really afraid with talking to. And I have some plastic surgery next week which I am excited for. I will have to be careful in case this mood dips and that can happen without reason really sharpish. Always looking over my shoulder...
At the moment, i'm feeling a bit upbeat and excited about the new school semester (I know, who gets excited about school, other than me, right?). At the same time, I feel a a tinge of sadness trying to creep up and bite me in the arse; but I'm fighting that off with some happy thoughts (attempting to anyway).


Well-known member
Really depressed. Suicide is starting to seem like the only option. I hate waking up to the same **** everyday. What a way to start the new year.