How are you feeling?


Well-known member
hey, telepathine! how have you been? it's good to hear from you, too! (i'm actually doing ok i just need to focus on the bright side which can be a challenge during this season/weather.)


Well-known member
Weird tbh :S
Ever since nyd i've been feeling really down, think its just the thought of another year going down as rubbish as positive as i can be it still really sucks deep down grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Well-known member
back here again because i am feeling lonely.

there is a long story of things i've been through recently which leave me feeling disappoined, frustrated, and jaded but it's probably not something to blab here.

i am desperately in need of socialization and not on a surface "hi, thanks, bye," level. how to initiate and maintain this evades me. there is a gathering coming up that i am considering attending but once i am at the gathering how will i initiate friendship?

not only do i have hinderance speaking to people but i feel like a disease, an untouchable once i do open up to others. when people hear you have little to no friends they write you off. i guess i should put up a facade around people and pretend i have many other friends... is that what most people really do, anyway? pretend they are more socially-appealing than they are? it seems so contrived.

right now in life i feel at a standstill. no goals. a lot of it has to do with money. i mean, i could set a goal of going for a BA but would it be worth the money and effort? would the degree be a piece of paper in my closet without opening any real opportunities? i don't know. i feel so negative. i can shoot down anything and i usually do. in my mind i am a logical realist. but i guess when you are cornered in isolation you realize how unappealing this must be to others.

anyway. i feel lonely. hehe.

i'm always here if you want to talk :]

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Anxoius, gotta go to school today, didn't do any of my homework. It's just going to be weird. It feels like the first day of school again.


Well-known member
I started writing a book today: A running tragic's guide to Australian and New Zealand Half Marathons.

The idea is to run in them all, and write about my experience and take photos. There will be course notes, racing tips, history, information on awards, age categories.


Well-known member
I woke up after a much needed 9 hour sleep, to the sun shining in through my window. This instantly put me in a great mood. Some time later, I looked into the mirror and decided I look pretty damn good. It's one of those days when I don't understand why I complain about my figure or my looks on other days. I also got plenty of time to snuggle with my doggies.

Overall, my day has started well.
I'm feeling alright. Having a little cold, but It's not too bad.
I do some fun things, like writing, listening to some nice songs, photoshop,
playing nice games, watching tv series, but I can't wait.. :( I feel so pointless :(
I really want to study! >_< I hope things will work out for my finally...
Since I dropped out of school, I really want to go for it again... that's my dream :)

But My sa is so cruel :mad:
I feel like I wanna die. I hate myself, so much.... I can't enjoy my life.
I feel so insecure about everything, I feel pointless, everybody has a social life and I'm just sleeping till afternoon and doing nothing, I feel so much pain I can't live like this.. Everyday is boring and I don't know what to do
I feel worthless

yesterday night ive been crying the whole night..:(


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel like I wanna die. I hate myself, so much.... I can't enjoy my life.
I feel so insecure about everything, I feel pointless, everybody has a social life and I'm just sleeping till afternoon and doing nothing, I feel so much pain I can't live like this.. Everyday is boring and I don't know what to do
I feel worthless

yesterday night ive been crying the whole night..:(

I can definitely relate there, Flowergirlie. I've been feeling the same way lately.