How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Well it happened again. I treat everyone in my household with respect and kindness and they repay me by treating me like a nobody. I wish I could just be as unkind as them, but for some reason I just can't find the strength to do it. I feel like an idiot. ::(:

It is not true that responding in like coin constitutes strength. Another way of putting that would be coming down to their level.
HUNGRY! Have had the flu bad for a week, and was barley able to eat anything. Now I am feeling a little better, but am starving. Already ate dinner and about half a box cheese nips hot & spicy. Am craving junk food bad::p:


Good :) Rang up every place which needed ringing, sorted out my bills and c.b.t appointments. Big weight off my shoulders.

Feeling a bit apprehensive as I'm going to brave town for a food shop today I think.


Well-known member
Finally feeling better. I woke up at a half decent hour (5am as opposed to 5pm) and actually have done some stuff instead of watching Tv and vegetating on the computer. I got around to shaving finally and I hardly recognize myself in the mirror now.

If I can this new found energy and parlay it into some more productive actions I'll be sitting pretty.


Well-known member
I'm feeling down.
I learned the other day through experience that this damn medicine that "helps" me ends up hurting me when I finally get what I want. :mad:::(:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I've been feeling a bit sad and lonely, lately. Getting my feelings out through writing, which stops my depression overwhelming me. Had a good cry the other day as well, which always helps.

But I've been feeling really great today - I don't say that often. Happy, laughing - thanks to alot of comedy DVDs - and content. :D
I'm feeling OK. my throat hurts, but i'm very happy 'Cuz tomorrow I'm going to my first therapy session of dgt!! :) and weekend starts!!!! :D
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Just had a tiny mental episode.

It had been building up for about two hours. My cat being in heat and quite obnoxious (not really her fault, I know) just added that extra bit of pressure that made me loose it.

I'm not sure what happened exactly, but it was bad enough that bit my own hand at one point. No severe wounds, though. Normally feelings like that don't proceed into actions, but sometimes they do. It scares me a little bit, because this happened when I didn't want it to happen. There's a high chance that there's going to be circumstances where I do want to inflict harm onto another person for some reason or another, I fear what will happen when there are no boundaries.

I needn't specify this, but the cat wasn't harmed in any way. In fact, I put her out of my room during these events.


Well-known member
Just noticed and advertisment popping at the end of You tube music videos

"Date Pretty chinese girl."

I wonder if it is the same girl, and how she finds the time?