How are you feeling?


Well-known member
biologists are now theorizing that the chupacabras are merely coyotes heavily infected with mange or scabies or something

now we just have to find Bigfoot

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Anxious, nervous, stressed...reeeally don't want to go back to school on monday. Six more months of school....


Well-known member
I'm annoyed.
I swear to god if someone calls me kiddo again I'm going to rip their eyes out. I'm 21 years old so stop assuming I'm a teenager.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
very anxious still, im so worriesd about going back to school. im not bullied or anything, not a bad neighborhood, just the people there. iI hate everybody that goes there. I hate my teachers and I hate the work they make me do. It all seems pointless.


Well-known member
Anxious. I have an English presentation on Thursday and I still haven't done anything ... because I'm trying not to think about it and that means not writing it. I'll have to do it sooner or later, though ... I guess it's going to be later. ::(: But I'm not that anxious because I have to go to school on Monday ... Since I'm on Lexapro my anxiety is getting a bit better. I'm actually excited to see a few of my schoolmates. :D


Well-known member
Mixture of feelings here:

I feel a sense of satisfication, because the second day into 2011 and I have been asked by one neighbour to take out his bin on bin day because he is not going to be there, and also helping another neighbour out with her vacuum cleaner. The reason I feel satisfied is that rarely anyone except for work collegues have asked me to do anything.

I also feel sad that tomorrow is a work day for me. While everyone is enjoying a long weekend, I will be stuck at the office for up to 8 hours.
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Well-known member
Anxious. I have an English presentation on Thursday and I still haven't done anything ... because I'm trying not to think about it and that means not writing it. I'll have to do it sooner or later, though ... I guess it's going to be later. ::(: But I'm not that anxious because I have to go to school on Monday ... Since I'm on Lexapro my anxiety is getting a bit better. I'm actually excited to see a few of my schoolmates. :D

I used to do that too you know. Not preparing for a presentation because i was so scared i didn't want to even think about it :) But ive seen myself presenting on video 2 times and it always feels MUCH worse than it really was. Everybody had the same experience when they saw themselves back on video. Now im not nearly as anxious as i used to be before a presentation. So keep that in mind ;) And also, people understand when you are anxious because its normal. Good luck!


Well-known member
back here again because i am feeling lonely.

there is a long story of things i've been through recently which leave me feeling disappoined, frustrated, and jaded but it's probably not something to blab here.

i am desperately in need of socialization and not on a surface "hi, thanks, bye," level. how to initiate and maintain this evades me. there is a gathering coming up that i am considering attending but once i am at the gathering how will i initiate friendship?

not only do i have hinderance speaking to people but i feel like a disease, an untouchable once i do open up to others. when people hear you have little to no friends they write you off. i guess i should put up a facade around people and pretend i have many other friends... is that what most people really do, anyway? pretend they are more socially-appealing than they are? it seems so contrived.

right now in life i feel at a standstill. no goals. a lot of it has to do with money. i mean, i could set a goal of going for a BA but would it be worth the money and effort? would the degree be a piece of paper in my closet without opening any real opportunities? i don't know. i feel so negative. i can shoot down anything and i usually do. in my mind i am a logical realist. but i guess when you are cornered in isolation you realize how unappealing this must be to others.

anyway. i feel lonely. hehe.