How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
You wrote a monologue? That is awesome! :)
I don't have the ability to even do that. ;)
Sorry that you are feeling nervous. :-(
I doubt you would be harshly judged. :cool:
I laugh at the most silly things. :-D

Aye, I did. :D I was bored one day, recently. So deicided to this page long rambling monologue; which recently evolved into 2 pages, 1,682 words in total. Mainly as an attempt to try writing some stand-up comedy material; since my interest in comedy borders on the obsessive. Partly inspired by Scottish stand-up comic Billy Connolly - after listening to his 1974 Solo Concert comedy album again; finding it still as hysterical funny. Even though, it was recorded before I was even born.

Anyway, the monologue mostly consists of stereotypical jokes about Scotland and Scottish culture - which I'd probably need tae explain; and a few surreal, dark one-liners. Scotland typically having quite a dark sense of humour. (Could be due to the crappy climate?). And a fair bit of swearing to. Which is always funnier when done with a Scottish accent. As well a bit about religion, which seem more absurd than blasphemous (at least I hope it is!). Still trying tae work up the courage tae actually record it. But I'm a bit unsure about it's overall length and pace of the delivery.
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not actually Fiona Apple
I burned the top of my mouth on a burrito yesterday, in it still hurts. It's quite annoying. (the burrito was delicious though)


Well-known member
my diet is finally over. i am eating carbs now. plain rice ftw wow cant believe how good plain rice tastes

(yes i live in asia)
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Well-known member
I'm pretty good. I found out last night that I got a grant for my summer class that covers over half my tuition. :D I was worried about paying for class, but now I feel like I'll be able to pay for it in time for next semester, so I'll get my financial aid for the fall and I'll be able to start school on time (I have had to enroll late for semesters in the past, because I owed money to the school from previous semesters).
I hope I don't have to got to work at 1 today (I am scheduled at 5, but on-call 1-5). Maybe I'll get a lot done this afternoon.


Well-known member
I'm pretty good. I found out last night that I got a grant for my summer class that covers over half my tuition. :D I was worried about paying for class, but now I feel like I'll be able to pay for it in time for next semester, so I'll get my financial aid for the fall and I'll be able to start school on time (I have had to enroll late for semesters in the past, because I owed money to the school from previous semesters).
I hope I don't have to got to work at 1 today (I am scheduled at 5, but on-call 1-5). Maybe I'll get a lot done this afternoon.
^ That is excellent news! :D Congrats!


not actually Fiona Apple
I burned the top of my mouth on a burrito yesterday, in it still hurts. It's quite annoying. (the burrito was delicious though)

I risked another burrito, it all went well this time. There was no sour cream in my fridge though, I was disappointed.


Well-known member
Blah, not really feeling much of anything. I should really do something with myself, but I have about as much motivation as a rock.


Well-known member
What variety did you order ?

That's a thing? Is it like ordering pizza?

It's exactly like ordering pizza! It's called Insomnia Cookies, and they will deliver as late as 3 or 4 in the morning! We got two peanut butter chips, an M&M, and a chocolate chunk, plus a tall glass of milk. It was $10 including the tip, but hey that's better than having to leave the house at 11pm to satisfy a cookie craving. I'm too miserly to splurge like this very often, but sometimes you just have to.


Well-known member
I used to feel apathetic, now that pain I've been trying to avoid feeling has come back. I guess pain loves me...... or something:rolleyes:. Oh well, I guess I can never be "truly happy"::p:!

But, I got to preorder a book, so that's some good news for me.


Well-known member
*Sigh* Deadman, feel better soon.

I'm scared! Just watched 'Paranormal Activity' (Having not seen it before)... Bad idea before bed with my paranoid mind... Yes, I'm a pathetic, little wimp with things like that... Especially since I feel scared at night generally lol...


Well-known member
What's on your mind?

Just feeling sorry for myself because I am continuously rejected and I don't know what's wrong with me and I can't escape at work because the younger staff group together and isolate me and my interests and my boss keeps picking on me. Although this sounds like I'm just being negative, I'm not. Everyone has noticed my boss and I've tried to raise it but been laughed at. I try to ignore the younger staff, which I can mostly. In terms of rejection, I have tried to be so open minded in terms of relationships but I either get turned down blankly or rejected after only a couple of weeks. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because no one ever says. I always try to be positive with other people (a mask, but I'm good at it), so it's not an attitude thing. I have been single since I bought my house five years ago, I've been rejected flatly more times than I could count. I go long periods without trying to find anyone and it's fine, so I know I don't need to be in a relationship. I used to be so good at this and now I'm rubbish and I don't know where I'm going wrong.
I don't even want to start on my health or lack of!
Sorry, thanks for listening. I feel a little better now I have written it down. Could do with a hug. Who'd have thought 32 and a teddy would fit in the same sentence?! X