How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Fender squiers are a nice sounding guitar. I used to have a peavey amp years ago but upgraded to a marshall (which subsequently has died since) Wouldnt mind a tasty vox or a fender tube amp. How long have you been playing?

10 years - I've been playing guitar since I was 14 years old (24 now). Though, it's been kinda on and off for the past few years. Since age 17 or 18, I've been self-taught. I'm actually upgrade my 45 watt Marshall amp, which I got for just £80, to a £200 75 watt Peavy Vypyr amp with built-in effects and modeling amps. But, I'll need an additional £75 if I want to get the pedal/foot controller for it, though. Because that's sold seperately.

Been thinking about getting back to guitar lessons (possibly group lessons). But I don't know... music theory for the guitar has always been a bit bewildering tae me. Like I'm too stupid tae comprehend it in a way! (Not that I'm stupid). :D


Well-known member
I dont know why I cant sleep. I mean its 11 in the freakin morning I might as well just stay up at this point but still.

I just cant go to sleep at night. When im lying in the darkness it seems to be the period that my brain is the most awake and floating with thoughts.


Active member
****ty day. Trying to write dense sentences so that someone reads this 'Friend' let me down, causing intermediate financial trouble. Trying to alleviate crappy feelings, gave pack of cigarettes to homeless person, who didn't say thank you. He asked though if I also had some food on me. On the bus home Always Staring Guy chose to take the seat next to me out of a hundred empty ones and kept obviously staring at my face. That's kinda his thing, not the first time we've met. Didn't care, was happy I could be there to fulfill whatever f.ucked up purpose his notorious staring habit has.

Even a tiny ray of light is much appreciated in complete darkness.


Active member
I dont know why I cant sleep. I mean its 11 in the freakin morning I might as well just stay up at this point but still.

I just cant go to sleep at night. When im lying in the darkness it seems to be the period that my brain is the most awake and floating with thoughts.

Check DSPD. You may have it. I do. I guess. I know.


Well-known member
Still in pain, somewhat better then last night, I was crying becuase of the pain. Dang canker sores, it's not fair.

My tongue is still bothering me, I can barely eat anything.


Well-known member
Kinda sad and irritated. I think it's mostly due from being tired though. My dog thought she had to wake me up at 3:30am and I already didn't go to bed until 2. When she whines, its really high pitched, so it's more like a squeak. Well, she squeaked really loud and I thought something was wrong, it scared the living crap out of me. She nearly sent me into a panic attack, I almost fell out of bed trying to go see what was wrong. I finally find her in the dark, she nudges my hand, and I see her bouncing down the hallway wagging her tail. -_- Really? You scared the living crap out of me to play??

That's not the first time she's done that though. I've had her creep on me in the middle of the night before. Sometimes she doesn't even whine, but instead if I'm turned around sleeping, she'll come up to my face and poke her nose up against mine and keep it there. So when I wake up, all I see is this: O.O


Well-known member
I just realized that somebody bought one of my signs on etsy! I wasn't even checking anymore because I had given up and thought no one wanted them! Guess I better get that in the mail...


Well-known member
i hope u feel better guys,

Btw i noticed i haven't seen Srijita in a while... I hope she is doing ok now. Maybe she went to university?


Well-known member
tired from workout. which is good. i havent gotten sick in a few months. i felt sick the other day but it quickly went away. just a stomach thing. i havent had a migraine in a few months as well ever since i cut out this instant coffee brand and another couple of beverages.

there has been something weird going on with my eyesight for a couple of years but i am afraid to have it checked, though. i fear doctors or the thought of them telling me something bad. so for now it is ignorance is bliss. tension will build up though and i'll need to have it checked one of these days before i change jobs to have insurance pay for it if ever i do need treatment


Well-known member
Sad because I'm a real idiot sometimes and it has cost me a friendship. ::(:

Aww blacksheep. Sorry you lost a friend.

I was wondering the same thing! Hope she is doing better being at her new school.

Me too. I hope she is better.

I'm so tired. I really wish I could take a nap.

Extremely tired.

I triple that! *sigh* Hope you guys catch some rest.

tired from workout. which is good. i havent gotten sick in a few months. i felt sick the other day but it quickly went away. just a stomach thing. i havent had a migraine in a few months as well ever since i cut out this instant coffee brand and another couple of beverages.

there has been something weird going on with my eyesight for a couple of years but i am afraid to have it checked, though. i fear doctors or the thought of them telling me something bad. so for now it is ignorance is bliss. tension will build up though and i'll need to have it checked one of these days before i change jobs to have insurance pay for it if ever i do need treatment

That is great, immune system improvments? Good luck on the eye thing.


Well-known member
Frustrated. I'm trying to teach myself C++ and I've spent hours upon hours today just trying to work out how the hell to connect it to a database. Neither of the books I have even mention them, nor any of the other loads of books I've checked on amazon... surely connecting to a database a massive part of programming... why is there so little decent information about it? Trued asking on a programming forum as well, but was just met with the usual sarcastic, belittling replies, don't know why I bother. Might as well just give up.