^ I shall join you!
^ Yeah the first couple seasons were great. I gotta say though, I absolutely love the 4th and 5th seasons with Lucifer and the apocalypse, angels vs. demons, angels vs. angels, etc. etc. It was twisted, but still understandable. I agree though, it is a bit dramatic now. It's not so much the drama that gets to me though as it is I don't exactly know where the storyline is. It just seems a bit all over the place right now. Hopefully they clear all that up in a few weeks.Haha, I really liked the first couple of seasons where they were still as "brothers", now it's too much drama, too much has happened and I really miss the "old" days where it was just plain simple demon hunting![]()
Where do you want to go?
or maybe somewhere in scandanavia
I woke up this morning and saw that the whole outside of my right eye is covered in red spots, and it's a little puffy. The other side of my face is fine. I guess I shouldn't be so worried though, I've gotten these little spots before on the crease on the inside of my arms. Even then they were very small, hardly noticeable. They were never puffy though, and I've never had them show up on my eye. I have no idea what causes it. I don't know whether it's an allergic reaction to something or not. They just show up mysteriously on my arms from time to time and then go away in a couple days. It's not like they hurt or itch or anything. They're just annoying to look at and make me feel more self-conscious than I already am.
I guess I'll give it a couple days, see if it clears up.
^ I didn't even think of that. Maybe I ought to try that. I haven't really tried anything new as far as lotion, hair products, etc. goes, so I don't think that's it....it helps too though changing your bedsheets (it might be the fabric) or changing what you're wearing. Also any changes in products for your hair, lotions, skin creams/washes and soaps. But, I'd give them a few days I'm sure they'll go away.
I am still thinking of the walk from 1 week ago. It was a quiet evening, you can barely feel the southern wind. On the east you would see small lightnings. It is a short walk, we went together with my parents after dinner.
First, along the road, bypasing the pizzeria. You would see and hear people, cheering and having fun. You would think that you should spend more Saturday nights out (damn SF). But you don't go there, instead you turn left and make a circle. On the path you see no one. The cars arrive and go. You complete the circle near the bar at the other end of the neighbourhood. The bar is not crowded and maybe you can go there one evening (nice one, you almost got me). The music is played and someone is playing at the pool table.
As you move, you approach the industrial area. An empty place. My view is stopped at the surrounding hills, all in dark, but almost in the middle you would see one small dot of light. It may be of car, but more likely of a house. I think of Great Gatsby and his green light.
Then I hear the strange sounds. I ask my mother what it is.
"Frogs. They announce rain".
I will be 30 next year and I have never heard frogs so clearly in my entire life.
5 minutes later the first rain drops started to draw on the floors.
It was a nice walk.
This, is exactly one of my places I would instantly move to. For same reasons aswell. Here in Belgium people are so anti-social it makes you want to cry...
First world problems.- Dust particles on laptop touchpad.
- Can't swipe it off or else mouse will move and click on things.
Scandinavia is a real good choice.The cook islands would be my first pick
or maybe somewhere in scandanavia or eastern europe, not sure I would have to go there first.
Somewhere where people actually seem to give a damn and look after each other - or failing that.... somewhere where I can ignore most of humanity to live out the rest of my unremarkable little life.
..first world problems.
Sounds brutal...
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen~ Dust everywhere. The horror.
Gee, I hate it when that happens. I'm really sorry. :What was said: "Well, so and so cancelled on me so I thought that I'd invite you..."
Actual meaning: "Well, since the person I originally invited wouldn't show up and the last 15 people I texted were busy, I figured since you're like convenient whenever I need you so I don't look like a loser going here alone, you are now somebody who I recognize."