Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
It seems like these last few years have been moving really fast. Maybe it's just me. 2011 was the fastest year of my life and it's April in 6 days now.


Well-known member
A trick to transform fear - Lesson 38:

So apparently we cannot access the part of our brain that controls fear and the part that controls.... (wait for it)... 'gratitude' at the same time.

So this simple lesson is to remember that if you want to leave a state of fear, focus on what you are grateful for. By waking a feeling of gratitude you will find fear melting into the distance.

If you are coaching someone who is in a fearful state of mind, gently ask questions that direct an awareness of gratitude. That way you can support a person to move out of fear and into a more supportive state.

Meditation -

The next time you are able to go for a walk - around a garden or even through a shopping mall, try this beautiful and easy process.

Close your eyes for a few minutes before hand and set your intention to walk slowly and with each step to name in your mind something that you are grateful for.

Every step name something that you feel grateful for, past or present, big or small and let it flow. Walk for as long as it feels good to, naming whatever comes to mind with each step. Stop if need be to find a new gratitude thought.

This is some really awesome advice/a great tip, I will try it next time I am feeling scared about something.

However walking along the sidewalk with your eyes closed sounds a bit dangerous.


Well-known member
Oh, you can highlight things on Microsoft Word.
Well, I'm a **** then.
That could have saved a lot of time and ink.


Well-known member
Best line on Maury ever:
"I am so sure he aint the babies father that I baked a cake!"

I think I laughed for like 15 minutes straight. ::p:


Well-known member
Best line on Maury ever:
"I am so sure he aint the babies father that I baked a cake!"

I think I laughed for like 15 minutes straight. ::p:

Ahaha, wow, the sh*t they say on that show! XD

My random thought: I seem to have a thing for Eastern European guys.


Well-known member
If we constantly compare ourselves to others, how can we learn to appreciate who we are?

i find it typically depends on when others appreciate for who we are but thats something not worth depending on. There just has to be an answer where its self dependant so you can learn to do it yourself without any outside reference. i will let you know when/if I figure it out


Well-known member
Random thought of the day: I don't think I'm ever truely myself unless I'm listening to music and allowing my mind to wander. Otherwise I'm always up in my own head, worrying about this or that.


Well-known member
I'm totally overly-obsessed with fashion right now. I made an outfit on one of those collage sites but I'm scared to share it. :rolleyes: . Plus I've been dying to start a fashion thread but I don't know who else is obsessed with this kind of stuff on here.


Well-known member
I'm totally overly-obsessed with fashion right now. I made an outfit on one of those collage sites but I'm scared to share it. :rolleyes: . Plus I've been dying to start a fashion thread but I don't know who else is obsessed with this kind of stuff on here.

I'm pretty into fashion myself. :)