Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I'm totally overly-obsessed with fashion right now. I made an outfit on one of those collage sites but I'm scared to share it. :rolleyes: . Plus I've been dying to start a fashion thread but I don't know who else is obsessed with this kind of stuff on here.
^ I love looking at clothes and fashion. Even though I don't follow the latest trends, and my wardrobe is super drab, I still like viewing all that stuff. It's about the girliest side of me you'll see. ::p:

Go ahead and share it! And I'd love to see a fashion thread here too! :)
I'm totally overly-obsessed with fashion right now. I made an outfit on one of those collage sites but I'm scared to share it. :rolleyes: . Plus I've been dying to start a fashion thread but I don't know who else is obsessed with this kind of stuff on here.

I'm pretty sure more people enjoy fashion. If you like you should go ahead and make a thread about it.

Fashion is usually associated with being shallow, and I think that is one of the reasons why it's not discussed much on here. Having a thread where members that are known to be kind and insightful discuss fashion freely will perhaps make others will more at ease discussing it too.

So I'd say go for it. :3


Well-known member
I suddenly find myself with something that's been absent from my life for a long time... short-term goals. So many things I either want to do or need to do.


Well-known member
Today was the closest I ever came to committing suicide::(:. I went from feeling normal, to left behind, to "misanthropic", now I don't care about anything or anyone anymore. I almost broke down and cried.

On another note, I'm constantly reminded of how female-dominated this college is. I need to go to a new college::p:. Women scare me and I blush whenever I'm around them. I have big girl problems.


Well-known member
Today was the closest I ever came to committing suicide::(:. I went from feeling normal, to left behind, to "misanthropic", now I don't care about anything or anyone anymore. I almost broke down and cried.

On another note, I'm constantly reminded of how female-dominated this college is. I need to go to a new college::p:. Women scare me and I blush whenever I'm around them. I have big girl problems.

Sorry to hear about that. :( If you ever wanna talk, my inbox is always open.

Lol, if you're looking for a college less dominated by females, you wouldn't want to go to my school (60% female, 30% male). It seems like most colleges/universities in general are female-dominated, simply because more women go to college than men nowadays.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about that. :( If you ever wanna talk, my inbox is always open.

Lol, if you're looking for a college less dominated by females, you wouldn't want to go to my school (60% female, 30% male). It seems like most colleges/universities in general are female-dominated, simply because more women go to college than men nowadays.

What is the other 10%?


Well-known member
What is the other 10%?



Well-known member
^^ Speaking of fooood

im gonna go to my kitchen and cook chicken. I want a burger but i cant make a burger out of a chicken piece. what kind of world is this.


Well-known member
For the last three hours I've told myself, "I'll be going to bed soon... I'll go to bed in an hour... In a half hour... In 10 mins..." It's almost 12:30am. Thanks a lot internet. :rolleyes:

I am going to bed, NOW. *drags self to bed*


Well-known member
For the last three hours I've told myself, "I'll be going to bed soon... I'll go to bed in an hour... In a half hour... In 10 mins..." It's almost 12:30am. Thanks a lot internet. :rolleyes:

I am going to bed, NOW. *drags self to bed*
I do this, too. Sweet dreams.


Well-known member
Today was the closest I ever came to committing suicide::(:. I went from feeling normal, to left behind, to "misanthropic", now I don't care about anything or anyone anymore. I almost broke down and cried.

On another note, I'm constantly reminded of how female-dominated this college is. I need to go to a new college::p:. Women scare me and I blush whenever I'm around them. I have big girl problems.
Talk to a professional if you can. Meanwhile, you can always talk to me, I can relate. I hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
So confusing... do I need a better mic or just a better voice?
You have easily one of the sweetest and most enchanting voices I've ever heard.

Extreme perfectionism can lead to frustration a lot of times. Just keep trying (and maybe get a new mic :p).