Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
^^ Adopt that SPIDER! It's adorable. Put a little top hat on it and name him Mr. Spiderman. ! AWWWW

Shouldn't have drank that energy drink. I'm getting the anxiety and dizzy like last time.

\/ \/ Good for you Angel. Hope it all went well. I love talking to people with arrows
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Well-known member
My thoughts and feelings....

I went on my first date in my whole life(Sad, I know) a couple days ago with a guy I met at the Momo con rave. He's pretty cool, but I'm not looking for love, though, just fun, and that's why I went out with him despite the fact he's not my type. I like him because he very relaxed and up for anything. I love excitement and all that and he seems like he might be able to provide me with that...

I'm going off for the night because my brother is going to use my pc for a while. I'll be on more tomorrow, I think.


Well-known member
I walk around after dark, too.
All last year, I'd go out running between 2-5am.
Our crime rate is practically zero... alot of fires, though.
We've got an arsonist running around.

There's alot less wildlife here than where I grew up, too.
I wrestled alot of bears in my youth... yep.
Our crime rate is certainly not zero and if I was walking around on my own at 2am I could get bashed. There's a park at the bottom of my street where idiots hang out and you can find used syringes if you're unlucky.

Wrestling bears, eh? I expect you to save me when I'm in the Canadian wilderness, okay?

Wow, thats a huge arachnid. I like how the camera flash illuminates its eyes. Makes the creature all the more menacing;)
Haha that spider is long gone now. I hope its brothers and sisters stay long gone, too!

My thoughts and feelings....

I went on my first date in my whole life(Sad, I know) a couple days ago with a guy I met at the Momo con rave. He's pretty cool, but I'm not looking for love, though, just fun, and that's why I went out with him despite the fact he's not my type. I like him because he very relaxed and up for anything. I love excitement and all that and he seems like he might be able to provide me with that...

I'm going off for the night because my brother is going to use my pc for a while. I'll be on more tomorrow, I think.
Hey, that's fantastic! I'm glad he's a lot of fun.

Don't fret it, either. I've never been on an "official" date, either. Ever.


Well-known member
I dont really have anything to say,I just seen that my posts were sitting at 666 and I was like 0_0 so im posting to change it so the wendigo wont come get me *phew* ::p:


Well-known member
My thoughts and feelings....

I went on my first date in my whole life(Sad, I know)

Not sad at all, Angel! Congrats!
You've gained some experience-- and from here on in, the idea shouldn't be as uncomfortable or scary, right?
That's a great thing; gaining experience!


Well-known member
My thoughts and feelings....

I went on my first date in my whole life(Sad, I know) a couple days ago with a guy I met at the Momo con rave. He's pretty cool, but I'm not looking for love, though, just fun, and that's why I went out with him despite the fact he's not my type. I like him because he very relaxed and up for anything. I love excitement and all that and he seems like he might be able to provide me with that...

I'm going off for the night because my brother is going to use my pc for a while. I'll be on more tomorrow, I think.
Congrats Shyangel!!

Good luck with that!

I've never been on a date, maybe never will, so don't worry about that XD


Well-known member
Totally random: I'm hungry
Aaand I'm tired, again, I used to be able to sleep 7 hours straight but I'm afraid that time has passed, I'm glad to sleep 2h in a row now...


Well-known member