Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I made apple cinnamon bread. :) I'm curious as to how it's going to turn out. Never made gluten-free quick bread before.

I should do my math quizzes. I really just feel like collapsing though and being done for the day, I'm so tired. I have so much to do and so little time. :p

I'm also dying to change my schedule for next semester. I can't do a thing til Monday though. :/


Well-known member
Sorry I need to rant. The WEIRDEST thing happened to me last night.
Ok, so I was going to do something really stupid last night. I needed to go to the store to get some snacks because my house has nothing. Well I was walking down my street to the main road where it's about 45 minutes to get to the store. At the end of this corner is this house that's pretty close to the road. So whatever I was walking along the lady is out on her porch and she is like what 80 years old. So she says something, I turn around. I assumed it was going to be ignorant like call me a name like everyone else does.
So she was all like: "Young lady where are you going?"
So my anxiety was like, oh **** she must know my family even though I never seen this lady in my life, she's going to call my mom. So I'm like "To the store". I was just being honest.
And she is like "Don't." And just sat there staring at the air.
I was like WTF. So I turned around scared and ran back home. Went back home and well... I don't know what to make out of it. Well stopped me from doing something stupid, maybe. I'm never going that way again.
Hmm, strange. Maybe there was something bad happening there. What a weird thing to happen, though.


Well-known member
ok so! in the end of the next week i want to visit a new country for an entire week and i was wondering if any SPWer would be interested in meeting? :D

I need a change and that would be awesome!


Well-known member
. Traffic was clear. No accidents it looked like, it was really nice out last night. But then again it was like 12 in the morning. Maybe old lady is just nuts.
You are a brave person to be walking around at midnight. I would never do that here. :eek:


Well-known member
ok so! in the end of the next week i want to visit a new country for an entire week and i was wondering if any SPWer would be interested in meeting? :D

I need a change and that would be awesome!

you're more than welcome to visit me

bring treats for the foxes


Well-known member
ok so! in the end of the next week i want to visit a new country for an entire week and i was wondering if any SPWer would be interested in meeting? :D

I need a change and that would be awesome!
Australia beckons....

Why not? I thought Australia was a nice place and safe! I usually walk around at 3 in the morning sometimes. I mean, it's the only time when everybody is asleep and I can get away to go to the store.
It's not unsafe but I still wouldn't do it. Who knows the vagrants that are walking around? There's always a chance you'll be robbed, bashed, or whatever.

If it's safe for you, that's good!


Well-known member
i though you lived in a quaint, seaside village

you make it sound like the ghetto
Just because I live near the beach doesn't mean it's all quaint. Heh. It's not a seaside village but it's also not exactly the ghetto, either. Somewhere in the middle.


Well-known member
Just because I live near the beach doesn't mean it's all quaint. Heh. It's not a seaside village but it's also not exactly the ghetto, either. Somewhere in the middle.

i thought that maybe late at night was when the crocodiles came out or something ;]


not actually Fiona Apple
In some cultures emotions they locate emotions in the stomach as opposed to the heart as we do in ours, and I think it makes a lot more sense.

When I'm anxious or nervous it's my stomach that is flying with with butterfly's, and my stomach that loses it's wings when I'm let down.

I get my stomach all tied in knots when I am worried about something, not my heart.

It's my stomach that disappears when I'm a certain sad and makes my appetite disappear too.

It's not my heart the grows a huge lead ball that rolls around when I'm hopeless or (metaphorically) sick, it's my stomach.

Ironically the only time I ever feel anything in my heart is when I eat something that doesn't go down right.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Sorry I need to rant. The WEIRDEST thing happened to me last night.
Ok, so I was going to do something really stupid last night. I needed to go to the store to get some snacks because my house has nothing. Well I was walking down my street to the main road where it's about 45 minutes to get to the store. At the end of this corner is this house that's pretty close to the road. So whatever I was walking along the lady is out on her porch and she is like what 80 years old. So she says something, I turn around. I assumed it was going to be ignorant like call me a name like everyone else does.
So she was all like: "Young lady where are you going?"
So my anxiety was like, oh **** she must know my family even though I never seen this lady in my life, she's going to call my mom. So I'm like "To the store". I was just being honest.
And she is like "Don't." And just sat there staring at the air.
I was like WTF. So I turned around scared and ran back home. Went back home and well... I don't know what to make out of it. Well stopped me from doing something stupid, maybe. I'm never going that way again.

Wouldn't it be weird if you went by the house again and it looked all rundown and abandoned and when you asked one of the neighbours about it, they told you that no one had lived there for over a decade and that the last owner, an old lady, had met with an unfortunate demise...on her way to the store! :eek: ;)


Well-known member
In some cultures emotions they locate emotions in the stomach as opposed to the heart as we do in ours, and I think it makes a lot more sense.

When I'm anxious or nervous it's my stomach that is flying with with butterfly's, and my stomach that loses it's wings when I'm let down.

I get my stomach all tied in knots when I am worried about something, not my heart.

It's my stomach that disappears when I'm a certain sad and makes my appetite disappear too.

It's not my heart the grows a huge lead ball that rolls around when I'm hopeless or (metaphorically) sick, it's my stomach.

Ironically the only time I ever feel anything in my heart is when I eat something that doesn't go down right.

Very interesting post. Really good point. It does seem to be the stomach that feels the brunt of emotion the most.


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be weird if you went by the house again and it looked all rundown and abandoned and when you asked one of the neighbours about it, they told you that no one had lived there for over a decade and that the last owner, an old lady, had met with an unfortunate demise...on her way to the store! :eek: ;)

HAHA that would be awesome. But I'm pretty sure that house isn't abandoned, I pass it sometimes looks livable just never seen her there before. Now that just sounds like I'm in a horror movie. Where's the cameras? ::p:


Well-known member
From Wikipedia:
"I Fight Dragons is a rock band from Chicago.[1][2] Their music combines pop/rock songs with original electronic sounds made using Nintendo Game Boys and Nintendo Entertainment Systems."

And I've only just discovered them now BECAUSE?! :eek:


Well-known member
You are a brave person to be walking around at midnight. I would never do that here. :eek:

I walk around after dark, too.
All last year, I'd go out running between 2-5am.
Our crime rate is practically zero... alot of fires, though.
We've got an arsonist running around.

There's alot less wildlife here than where I grew up, too.
I wrestled alot of bears in my youth... yep.


So I found this in my room when I got home:


I was about ready to sell the house but my confident mother coaxed him out with surface spray and a shoe while I kept my distance, heart bursting from my chest cavity. :rolleyes:

Wow, thats a huge arachnid. I like how the camera flash illuminates its eyes. Makes the creature all the more menacing;)