Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Friday 09:50am here. I love fridays. I think some cosmic being is toying with me though as I swear he slows down time as the day goes on... takes forever to finish work.


Well-known member
I feel good.
I am getting in shape
Get to talk to an amazing guy every night
Am actually taking classes at my college, instead of just online.

and I am starting not to care about stupid things. I don't dwell if someone doesn't want to make an effort to connect with me. I am doing my own thing. Screw anyone that doesn't think I am worth their time.


Well-known member
oh noooooo....
mom ordered pizza for dinner.

Ditto for me. Unfortunately I ate half of one. Later on I went to the store and picked up some Reese's pieces, coconut M&M's, and Raisinets.

Lack of control? I blame the slowly fading poison ivy. I've been wanting to play my guitar, but with blisters on my hands and arms....

Instead I've been contemplating building my own solid state guitar amp. Too bad I don't know much at all about electronics.


Well-known member
Yesterday I fixed the laptop and this morning I fixed the Wii, and then finished Zelda - Twilight Princess before lunch. You can call me God now :D
Hmmm maybe it's time to open that "broken" PS3... and if I can't fix it at least I'll have a new HDD :p
Yesterday I fixed the laptop and this morning I fixed the Wii, and then finished Zelda - Twilight Princess before lunch. You can call me God now :D
Hmmm maybe it's time to open that "broken" PS3... and if I can't fix it at least I'll have a new HDD :p

Funny, you must be my exact opposite technologically-able counterpart. I for one, can destroy any motherboard by simply looking at it. :D