Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Racists live in their own little world. :/ I said something to one of them about all people on this planet being biologically identical internally, and that genes and DNA alone weren't good enough reason to hate someone with. But for some reason he got some kind of genocide message out of that.

Disappointing, really.


Well-known member
Why, it’s 6:15 am and I can’t sleep, even though I feel tired.

Well you know what they say about the early bird... it... gets... the w-w-w-w-WORRRRDDD!!!


(thanks super!)


Well-known member
i was suppossed to go to a party with some friends today, but I'm getting restless since they still haven't called. I even borrowed money to go out. :mad:
Ohhh,I am such a Daddy's girl.
Dad heard what happened in the supermarket with me and mom, so he gave me £25 quid to get the underwear I wanted, and he bought me a colouring book cause I love them, haha :')


Well-known member
I started an online journal which I love to write in daily, but I am feeling as if I am continually repeating bad behavior and counter productive thoughts for most of it so it's kinda depressing me to read back on it.
I wish I could change this.
狼;501245 said:
I started an online journal which I love to write in daily, but I am feeling as if I am continually repeating bad behavior and counter productive thoughts for most of it...

How so? I have an online blog where I post some of my unproductive thoughts, but I also try to post happy things as well, like music or pictures or things of the like.


Well-known member
Ohhh,I am such a Daddy's girl.
Dad heard what happened in the supermarket with me and mom, so he gave me £25 quid to get the underwear I wanted, and he bought me a colouring book cause I love them, haha :')
^ Haha, I'm a daddy's girl too. I've been kinda tight on money lately, and I've had a really rough week, so my dad gave me the free gift cards his work gives him every month, for WalMart lol. He gets 2 free $10 gift cards a month, or sometimes free movie tickets. But yeah, he just hands them to me lol.

He spoils me so... and I'm not complaining. :D