Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
My daughter has just lost her first tooth. She is crying like mad because it's gone and she wants to have a plaster on where the tooth was.


Well-known member
My daughter has just lost her first tooth. She is crying like mad because it's gone and she wants to have a plaster on where the tooth was.

Ohh! is the tooth near the front?!
If it is, give her a straw and teach her to drink from it with her teeth clenched; through the missing tooth hole. XD
That's what my dad did and I immediately forgot that I was upset about it missing. easily amused -__-'
Re: Post your random thoughts/feelings/chickens etc

Chicken tastes like chicken

Shut the front door!



Well-known member
Re: Post your random thoughts/feelings/chickens etc

Chicken tastes like chicken

I could've swore you said 'children tastes like chicken' earlier...
I guess that's just my dyslexia getting the best of me.
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodness gracious, me!


Well-known member
Need to shower, do my chemistry homework, start on my english paper, clean my room.

Was suppose to clean my dads house today, but that can wait till Saturday. He hasn't paid me for for last week anyway.

I am still sore from tuesday, but hopefully my workout tonight won't kill me.

OK, here I go!


Need to shower, do my chemistry homework, start on my english paper, clean my room.

Was suppose to clean my dads house today, but that can wait till Saturday. He hasn't paid me for for last week anyway.

I am still sore from tuesday, but hopefully my workout tonight won't kill me.

OK, here I go!

Good luck! And I thought I had a busy schedule:eek:

Im about to do chemistry HW too unfortunately


Well-known member
Awww.. losing first tooth is a very sad thing.I remember making my mom and dad crazy when i lost mine.Hope she gets over it soon ;)

^Thank you. She's a lot calmer now and asleep *phew*. I think she was upset because there was a little blood and it must of felt strange for her to be missing a tooth.

Ohh! is the tooth near the front?!
If it is, give her a straw and teach her to drink from it with her teeth clenched; through the missing tooth hole. XD
That's what my dad did and I immediately forgot that I was upset about it missing. easily amused -__-'

^Yes it's her front top tooth that came out. Not sure where the tooth went had a look in the garden where she was playing when she lost it but no sign of it.

I'm going to have to be a fairy tonight :D and leave some money under her pillow :rolleyes:


Well-known member
How come every time I meet someone that likes me and that I like back, she's always already in a relationship? I'm getting so tired of hearing "I really like you, but unfortunately I'm already committed."


Well-known member
I watched a cheesy 80's/90's video today in Chem. Lab going over safety procedures, etc. Gotta say it was the funniest thing I've watched in a long time. :D


Well-known member
I used to love working at the library but I'm really starting to hate it now. This obnoxious guy keeps coming in during the late afternoon with his friends and they keep watching me as I work. They're cute guys and all but it's starting to make me feel very uncomfortable.
Just jumped 10 feet in the air with fright! :eek:
I walked into my lounge room and found my neighbours cat in there!?!? (I always keep my doors shut and locked)

The cheeky thing must have raced in without me seeing him the last time I came in my back door.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
oh noooooo....
mom ordered pizza for dinner.

agh ><
How many slices can I have without ruining my diet?
1? 2?
Will I have to run for 5 hours to work off all that grease?


Well-known member
I just realized something. Today's Thursday, not Friday. It feels like a Friday though.. ugh... that means work again tomorrow... not looking forward to it.


Well-known member
I just realized something. Today's Thursday, not Friday. It feels like a Friday though.. ugh... that means work again tomorrow... not looking forward to it.
^ Today felt like Friday for me too. I wish it was Friday, I'd be home by now.

Yay, I get to go home for the weekend! :D I seriously can't wait. Never thought I'd say that, since my family does annoy me quite often.