Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I know this is gonna sound wierd but I wish I drank so much the memories went away. In some ways I envy you but in others I know how you feel. Why can't memories be selective to filter out the bad and hold onto the good.

No it doesn't sound weird at all.

It's all the good memories that have gone I have a few good ones left but not many I can count them on one hand. Most of the things that I can remember is the not so good memories. Why can't it be the other way around?

A selective filter sounds really good. :)


Well-known member
Reading through other posts where people talk about their friends and relationships and such, and I'm realizing I am much more alone than most people on spw. :'(


Well-known member
I`ve been gone for 2 months from home, getting back on sunday, and last night while we were texting my best friend says ”wow it seems like 2 days ago u were leaving” as in time flies fast. Well, that bothered me. Youd think that time wouldve actually gone hard for him, given that i was away for 2 fvcking months and he would whine that he misses me and wants to be with me. Yeah, whatever. I`ve made my decision.


Well-known member
Funny. Earlier I was trying to cheer people up here and stuff and now I'm all pissy and can't even cheer myself up. What good am I?

It's like I said before. We are all experts at giving advise to others but when it comes to taking our own advise we suck. Thats when others come in to give advise back and cheer us up. One of those circle of life things. Don't think that your not good.



Well-known member
I wanted to get started on writing things down last night while I had the motivation to do it, because motivation doesn't come that often and when it comes doesn't last that long. Anyway it was about 2:30am I got out an A5 note book opened the cover and I just stared at a blank page not knowing what to right or where to start and the next thing I know it nearly 5am still nothing written down.


Well-known member
Often I will write out thoughts by starting with one word in the middle of the page and radiating out connected thoughts from it - using enclosing circles and lines, if that makes sense. It connects the words/thoughts together without having to write sentences

It probably wasn't a good idea for me starting it in the middle of the night when my brain was in sleep mode.

I'll have to give that a try when I write down my thoughts and remaining memories. Thanks.
Why are people a bunch of ******** ?!! If you trust them you only end up getting hurt.It happened to me so many times. Ugh....when will i learn! Maybe i should just stop trusting others!!


Well-known member
Why are people a bunch of ******** ?!! If you trust them you only end up getting hurt.It happened to me so many times. Ugh....when will i learn! Maybe i should just stop trusting others!!

Unfortunately there will always be nasty people out there.

But there are a lot more nicer people out there than there are nasty people. I wouldn't stop trusting people altogether just be more careful with who you trust. Get to know them really well before you let them get close to you.


On the commuter rail to boston and then from there going to lowell for class. It's going to be an adventure every morning until I get a dorm :D


Well-known member
Why does all the crap happen to them who already suffer and not to those who don't.

My wife who is suffering from massive depression and SA, is now going through the menopause.

Life is just one big pile of horse****.


Well-known member
i'm exhausted. physically,emotionally exhausted. if someone gives me any grief today, i may stab them in the eye with a sharpie.


Well-known member
I re-iterate. Life is like a pile of horse****. Just come out of my Doctors appointment and have found out I now have asthma and a lung age of 64 year old. Can this life get any worse.


Well-known member
I re-iterate. Life is like a pile of horse****. Just come out of my Doctors appointment and have found out I now have asthma and a lung age of 64 year old. Can this life get any worse.

Its just one of those fvcked up days when all bad things come at once. I wish i could give u a hug.


Well-known member
my office is so friggin hot. being surrounded by floor to ceiling windows on a warm day is like being the ant under the magnifying glass.