I think I already said this but it keeps happening. Every time my friend skips class I meet someone new or socialize a lot more with other people I already know a bit.
I talked a lot to a girl I sat next to before the class, after class and when the teacher kept repeating the same sentence for millionth time. We usually have an empty seat between us, but we were talking a lot before the class started so I just moved over to sit next to her.
During the break I talked to an old friend of mine that is taking that class too. While I was talking to him a guy I did an assignment with last semester started talking to me. Then I went outside, ate by myself and went back to class. On my way there I crossed paths with another girl from my class that I met two weeks ago and we chatted a bit. Then two of her friends joined in. At that point I stopped talking because I'm still not very good with group conversations, especially when I don't know everyone. More classmates gathered around and we were probably a group of 15. During the second part of the class I also talked to the other guy sitting next to me (never talked to him before) because we were trying to understand what the teacher was doing on the computer.
I even had two girls saying they thought of me when they were doing something (somewhat related to our classes), which is something I don't hear very often.
When that friend of mine comes to class it's the opposite, I pretty much only talk to her. On one hand I don't like that she is skipping so many classes because we're doing tons of assignments together and I'll probably have to explain things to her before we start working on them. But on the other hand it is giving me the opportunity to get out of my shell and socialize with the rest of the class.