Hooray!!! The cable guys are coming back!!! :bigsmile:
Got a notice from the apartment office today saying that the guys who installed the new cable/internet equipment here a few months ago are coming back next week to do an inspection and add some kind of fireproof coating to the wires. This means that I now have to move all my stuff out of the way again.
Have I mentioned that I have a lot of stuff? Have I mentioned that I have
too much goddamn stuff, and a good chunk of it lives in that closet? Thank Zot I never got around to putting it all back. Still a lot to move, though.
I guess three weeks of daily torture (for a sociophobic recluse) and a nasty case of shingles (not pleasant for anyone) wasn't enough to satisfy their sadistic urges. I understand and respect their right to reasonable access, but they're pushing the definition of
reasonable beyond its natural borders. One day, they may push too far. :bat:
Meanwhile, I'm sick (something virusy, it seems), the tax clouds are gathering, black and ominous, on the horizon, and suddenly I have to move one more mountain than I really had in mind for the coming days. I can only hope this counts against my time in Purgatory when I'm called to judgment for the sin of not being just like everybody else.
