Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Pirate from the North Pole

Hah, good song, I never paid much attention to the lyrics though, didn't even realize it was about that :p

The worst one I ever knew was this guy who goes around with TWO cell phones on his body all the time and they are both constantly ringing with clients.

And everyone is calling for things that need to be taken care of immediately or their life will be ruined and they will DIE


Well-known member
There are days when I just can't stand myself. I'm sick and tired of feeling sorry for myself, of failing, of being a push over. I am dissatisfied with my job, with school, and mostly with myself. I hate that I am weak and can not shake these toxic feelings off. I hate everything about me. I look at myself, and I disgust myself. I hate every single thing about me.

I hate that this stupid depression has a hold on me. That these panic attacks make me their bitch. It's like I'm not even worthy of myself.. Why can't I stop this shit?

The pain. God. It's so suffocating, and even though I want to breathe, I can't make myself try any harder. I'm done with all the shit. I'm just dog tired of being tired.

Life does not get easier. It gets harder, more painful, and more out of my control. Why do I continue to run this rat race to no avail?

I ****ing hate Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays.


Well-known member
Just as I felt things are improving this is happening. Just as it seems like you can't get her off your mind, I can get that off my mind. You'd never get a chance but of you keep showing interest, I may have to do something about it.


Well-known member
Do you guys care more about making New Year's plans or making plans at the start of a new year of your life (as in your birthday)? I don't really care about new year's resolutions, I don't care what I did in the year 2014 or 2015 or whatever, I'm more interested in looking at things like what I did when I was 22, 23 and so on.


Well-known member
Do you guys care more about making New Year's plans or making plans at the start of a new year of your life (as in your birthday)? I don't really care about new year's resolutions, I don't care what I did in the year 2014 or 2015 or whatever, I'm more interested in looking at things like what I did when I was 22, 23 and so on.

I've made NYR regularly - to hit the gym and my success rate has been great in that I have never achieved it!

Not gone to work again, just can't face it. Luckily my work colleagues are good


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Do you guys care more about making New Year's plans or making plans at the start of a new year of your life (as in your birthday)? I don't really care about new year's resolutions, I don't care what I did in the year 2014 or 2015 or whatever, I'm more interested in looking at things like what I did when I was 22, 23 and so on.

For me, ah don't bother with New Year's Resolutions - they're a lotta shite anyway. Just promises to yersel that ye never keep. If yer gonna make 'em - at least be realistic.

Though, ah do plan to make some changes in ma life next year, hopefully for the better. So I'm just gonnae focus oan that, and coming 2 months of my life, and to f**k with everythin' else for the time being. But I don't plan to far ahead, ah've never been that kinda guy.


Well-known member
Holyshit, life is boring

I don't know as much as I hate money, I think if I had some I would never feel bored. The only reason I feel bored is because I am trapped financially. If I had a few thousand dollars right now for example I would be researching getting a new camera to take amazing photos. I would never bore of that life-a photographer. Takes money to travel to get to the shots I would want to take...


Well-known member
Somehow drudged up the focus to go to work today after being "ill" to cover my anxiety I had on Friday.. so relieved I work in a place where my colleagues aren't too inquisitive compared to places where I worked before and they wanted details so in-depth..


Well-known member
Awesome, yesterday I saw this ad in the movies about how 80% of the smoke from a cigarette is invisible, so everyone around you is smoking as well. Took me a while to find it online (not on youtube), but now that I did I can show it to my mum. Maybe now she'll finally believe that the smoke doesn't stay in a gravitational field around the cigarette and vanishes as soon as she puts it out.


Well-known member
I went shopping at about 8:00am and the shopping centre was already packed. Queues winding back from the auto-teller. I like to go in early to avoid the crowds, avoiding crowds is not feasible in this town in summer holiday season.

Lemmings, I thought, nothing but lemmings, all these people doing the same things at the same time. Living clichéd lives of imposed misery.

The supermarket car park nearly half full with cars bearing Victorian and Queensland number plates. Roads chocked with lost interstate drivers who have no idea about road rules.