Well, it's about that time again, time to lay down and sleep away another day.
I have to admit, it has acquired a nice little "**** you, life!" feel to it.
And when it
becomes life, what then?
That's pretty much where I am now. I've had to stay up all day most of this past week waiting on the cable guys to show up. A times, it was almost physically painful to stay awake in the afternoons. I don't know how other people do it.
Strangely, though, I know I used to do it all the time. Sleeping during the day has been my habit only for the last five (ten? fifteen?) years or so. Before that, I'd be out there doing stuff—working, socializing, exploring, living—like any regular guy (well,
almost like any regular guy). Now my inner clock is so screwed up that I can only do so with the greatest of effort and determination,
and with the aid of chemical stimulants to help get my motor running.
I wish I knew how to break this habit. I wish I'd never let it become such, that I'd never let it acquire such a hold over my life. I kicked booze, pot, cancerettes, and a few other naughty things. Why can't I kick this bitch?
There's nothing wrong with taking a nap now and then if you're extra sleepy and you need to recharge your battery a bit. Just be careful out there—it could be a trap.
ETA: Y'know what? Ignore all that. I'm in no position to go handing out advice. I don't even take my own advice, so why should anyone else? Just slap me silly and tell me to shut the fudge up.