Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Missing her more than ever. But I know she doesn't miss me. No to her I don't exist anymore. I try everyday to move on, I just miss her. I'm bottling up so much anger and depression. I don't know how to let it out. I'm eventually going to burst, question is when?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Missing her more than ever. But I know she doesn't miss me. No to her I don't exist anymore. I try everyday to move on, I just miss her. I'm bottling up so much anger and depression. I don't know how to let it out. I'm eventually going to burst, question is when?

Sorry to hear that, mate. But it's best that ye move on, focus on you & getting better, eh?

I don't know your situation, but it might be finding a positive outlet for yer anger? As well something to help with the depression? Either writing out yer thoughts in a journal, maybe? Or do something you enjoy or still enjoy - hopefully yer depression hasn't gotten to the stage of not finding joy in anything? Or going for a walk always helps?

Don't internalise it, yer just making yerself suffer in the long term. Speaking from experience on that. And you deserve to be happy. Stay strong. :thumbup:


Well-known member
There are great people in the world, I wish my anxiety wasn't so bad and that I was able to talk to them without fear. That is my worse fear pissing off the people who show me kindness, annoying members of even my family.
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in a VAN down by the RIVER
Well, it's about that time again, time to lay down and sleep away another day.

I have to admit, it has acquired a nice little "**** you, life!" feel to it.


Well-known member
Well, it's about that time again, time to lay down and sleep away another day.

I have to admit, it has acquired a nice little "**** you, life!" feel to it.

And when it becomes life, what then?

That's pretty much where I am now. I've had to stay up all day most of this past week waiting on the cable guys to show up. A times, it was almost physically painful to stay awake in the afternoons. I don't know how other people do it.

Strangely, though, I know I used to do it all the time. Sleeping during the day has been my habit only for the last five (ten? fifteen?) years or so. Before that, I'd be out there doing stuff—working, socializing, exploring, living—like any regular guy (well, almost like any regular guy). Now my inner clock is so screwed up that I can only do so with the greatest of effort and determination, and with the aid of chemical stimulants to help get my motor running.

I wish I knew how to break this habit. I wish I'd never let it become such, that I'd never let it acquire such a hold over my life. I kicked booze, pot, cancerettes, and a few other naughty things. Why can't I kick this bitch?

There's nothing wrong with taking a nap now and then if you're extra sleepy and you need to recharge your battery a bit. Just be careful out there—it could be a trap.

ETA: Y'know what? Ignore all that. I'm in no position to go handing out advice. I don't even take my own advice, so why should anyone else? Just slap me silly and tell me to shut the fudge up.
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An apology without a action backing it doesn't have any meaning to me. I've heard so many people apologise only to repeat the offense dozens of times after, that the words just don't mean crap anymore. It's a hollow sentiment at best.


Pirate from the North Pole
So now I can say I gave it a try at being an ambitious careerist and I deeply disliked it. Always reachable on cell-phone, work from home, mind-games, crazy hours, clients and bosses calling you all the time, I see why it can be thrilling for some people, it gives you some action when your life is boring and pointless, and it makes you feel very important. But you're not really. And my life is not boring enough for me to find this game interesting. I think I'm going to subtly go back to average employee who does their job correctly but don't give much of a f*ck beyond that.


Well-known member
So now I can say I gave it a try at being an ambitious careerist and I deeply disliked it. Always reachable on cell-phone, work from home, mind-games, crazy hours, clients and bosses calling you all the time, I see why it can be thrilling for some people, it gives you some action when your life is boring and pointless, and it makes you feel very important. But you're not really. And my life is not boring enough for me to find this game interesting. I think I'm going to subtly go back to average employee who does their job correctly but don't give much of a f*ck beyond that.

It's thrilling for the type "A" personality types. These are the people who love chaos and always need something going on.

The worst one I ever knew was this guy who goes around with TWO cell phones on his body all the time and they are both constantly ringing with clients.

We are the same age and we reunited a few years ago to catch up. We were out at a food place and the woman working there thought that he was my dad because he has aged so badly :/


Hie yer hence from me heath!
An apology without a action backing it doesn't have any meaning to me. I've heard so many people apologise only to repeat the offense dozens of times after, that the words just don't mean crap anymore. It's a hollow sentiment at best.

Couldnae agree more... Buckin' spot on there, pal. :thumbup:


Well-known member
I think a problem for a lot of people, myself included, is that nobody in our past taught us about self respect. They didn't teach us how to have it and what it should feel like.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I think a problem for a lot of people, myself included, is that nobody in our past taught us about self respect. They didn't teach us how to have it and what it should feel like.

Aye, that's true... Kinda sucks havin' to learn it on yer own, doesn't it? Like most things - well, at least with me, anyway. :sad:


Well-known member
The internet is like high fructose corn syrup, lots of sweetness for little money but ultimately bad for you in large doses.


Well-known member
How can I feel so alone, sad and depressed while surrounded by family.... And feel at peace by myself? Sure, I'm lonely... But its much worse now.


Well-known member
How can I feel so alone, sad and depressed while surrounded by family.... And feel at peace by myself? Sure, I'm lonely... But its much worse now.

I feel a big disconnect with family. I am there but on the outside of things hence why I just drift away from gatherings. No one seems to care for me so why should I. I would happily live on my own.

I am in bed having called in "sick". Can't get over Friday and a horrible day when anxiety got my mood irritible and dark. Why can't people see I am not as good as they think I am and that on the inside I am a nervous wreck! Or that when they talk about me being promoted, my nervous laugh is because I am uncomfortable at the suggestion because if I worked with my contemporaries they would highlight how poor I am

Ah Im off to sleep


in a VAN down by the RIVER
So now I can say I gave it a try at being an ambitious careerist and I deeply disliked it. Always reachable on cell-phone, work from home, mind-games, crazy hours, clients and bosses calling you all the time, I see why it can be thrilling for some people, it gives you some action when your life is boring and pointless, and it makes you feel very important. But you're not really. And my life is not boring enough for me to find this game interesting. I think I'm going to subtly go back to average employee who does their job correctly but don't give much of a f*ck beyond that.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
How can I feel so alone, sad and depressed while surrounded by family.... And feel at peace by myself? Sure, I'm lonely... But its much worse now.

Ye tend to feel that way if ya don't get along with yer family. Well, at least that how it's been with me.

I feel a big disconnect with family. I am there but on the outside of things hence why I just drift away from gatherings. No one seems to care for me so why should I. I would happily live on my own.

^ This pretty much sums how I feel about my family as well.

Why can't people see I am not as good as they think I am and that on the inside I am a nervous wreck!

Aye, me too. Anyway, sorry youse are gan through such an awful difficult time with yer anxiety and depression. I'm no fairing any better masel, to be honest. Ah hate this time o' year. :thumbdown: :sad:


Well-known member

I don't understand why complain that a certain person doesn't tell you anything and you want them to tell you everything yet don't remember when they do.