Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I haven't been out of my apartment (except to check the mailbox a few times) in two solid weeks, and I'm just now noticing the fact. How did this happen? What have I let myself become? Where did my life go? What do I have left? How much? How long? So many questions and so few answers. Troubling thoughts in the Graybeard brain.
I haven't been out of my apartment (except to check the mailbox a few times) in two solid weeks, and I'm just now noticing the fact. How did this happen? What have I let myself become? Where did my life go? What do I have left? How much? How long? So many questions and so few answers. Troubling thoughts in the Graybeard brain.
Could you make something positive come from not being able to get out of your house very often, Graybeard?
If you are not a professional writer already, I highly suspect you would make quite a successful one! seriously. :)
You could always write under a pseudonym if you don't want anyone knowing.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
They're arguing again... and I'm trying to sleep. :kickingmyself:

F**k it! Once they go back to Ireland, I'm just going to tell mum to pass on the message not to comeback the week of my birthday cuz I won't be here. I huv had enough of this... :sad:

I think I'll just go my own way. Nae wummin, nae barns and to hell with gettin' married. Ah genuinely feel sorry for the poor c***s who decided to marry into my family, think mynsisters were sane, respectable, normal wimmin. :sarcastic:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Would think any less of me if I took my own life? It's just... Well, on top of wanting end my own physical and emotion pain, I see no other way of getting away from my batshit-crazy family. Since I can't afford to emigrate. :sad:
Would think any less of me if I took my own life? It's just... Well, on top of wanting end my own physical and emotion pain, I see no other way of getting away from my batshit-crazy family. Since I can't afford to emigrate. :sad:
No no no! Don't do that Graeme! :sad:
Could you do some temporary things for a few hours to block the sight and sound of your family out?
Like going in your bedroom and putting on some headphones - ones that are designed to muffle any outside noise - and listen to some good music for a few hours to give yourself a break from them?
Or even just use some industrial strength ear-plugs while you are in your bedroom doing whatever relaxes you?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
No no no! Don't do that Graeme! :sad:
Could you do some temporary things for a few hours to block the sight and sound of your family out?
Like going in your bedroom and putting on some headphones - ones that are designed to muffle any outside noise - and listen to some good music for a few hours to give yourself a break from them?
Or even just use some industrial strength ear-plugs while you are in your bedroom doing whatever relaxes you?

But that's all I do, everyday.

Shut the door, noise-cancelling headphones, music blaring.
Kinda hard to relax when doors are slamming a baby's cry and ye hear yer own mum in tears pleading for calm. And I'm sitting there, shaking with temper, knowing if I go downstairs there I'll just make it worse.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
No no no! Don't do that Graeme! :sad:
Could you do some temporary things for a few hours to block the sight and sound of your family out?
Like going in your bedroom and putting on some headphones - ones that are designed to muffle any outside noise - and listen to some good music for a few hours to give yourself a break from them?
Or even just use some industrial strength ear-plugs while you are in your bedroom doing whatever relaxes you?

But I do that everyday.

Shut the door, noise-cancelling headphones, music blaring.

And it's kinda hard to relax when doors are slamming, a baby's cry and ye hear yer own mum in tears pleading for calm. :crying: And I'm sitting there, shaking an seethipng with temper, knowing if I go do there I'll just make it worse. :veryangry: :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Could you make something positive come from not being able to get out of your house very often, Graybeard?
If you are not a professional writer already, I highly suspect you would make quite a successful one! seriously. :)
You could always write under a pseudonym if you don't want anyone knowing.

I completely agree. There are a lot of talented writers here actually....

I love your posts, GrayGhost.

Isolation is paramount to the creative process, maybe try to embrace it.


Well-known member
I don't hate people, I fear them.

The weekend ends and I start to feel dread, as the conservative wheels of the ugly town I live in comes the life. It's as if the storm clouds are gathering around me in this place, and when it breaks I am not sure if I will survive.

I'd fly away with my friends the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos if I could.


Well-known member
I bought a plane ticket on Christmas Eve for February. Exciting. I'm gonna try to get back into working out more I think if I can. Push myself hard~


Well-known member


Well-known member
It's harsh, but I believe it's a truism that people like the fantasy they have of you more than they actually like the genuine you. Let's not forget that it's human nature to compartmentalize other people.

"The Homemaker/mother" "The successful dude" "The loveable loser" "The Nerd" "The Jock" "The independent woman""The Liberal""The Conservative""The Country Bumpkin""The Thug"

When other people can't pigeonhole you with a fantasy because you don't fit a label they get a little nervous about you and will probably avoid you a bit because they don't know how to relate to you.

They want to fantasize about where you fit into the "tribe".

Just some rainy day thoughts I'm having...


Well-known member
It's harsh, but I believe it's a truism that people like the fantasy they have of you more than they actually like the genuine you. Let's not forget that it's human nature to compartmentalize other people.

"The Homemaker/mother" "The successful dude" "The loveable loser" "The Nerd" "The Jock" "The independent woman""The Liberal""The Conservative""The Country Bumpkin""The Thug"

When other people can't pigeonhole you with a fantasy because you don't fit a label they get a little nervous about you and will probably avoid you a bit because they don't know how to relate to you.

They want to fantasize about where you fit into the "tribe".

Just some rainy day thoughts I'm having...

Mind you...This all relates back to the Control Systems put in place by the Social Elite. (I listen to Alan Watt a lot :) )

I remember taking various personality tests throughout my life. One stands out though at a school retreat where we all took tests and got into groups based on the results and I was the only one who was "uncatagorizable" I had no group to be in. That really was a pivotal moment for me because everyone saw that I fit in No Where. It wasn't a test that you took in privacy and no one but you and the tester see the result.

Now I see how unique I am, took a long time though, and that I should take some pride in the fact I have never been able to be labeled anything. Screw you Social Elitists bas- tards! ha :p


Well-known member
It's happening again. Everything is going the way it went 8 years ago. I can see how everything will unfold. How will I act this time? What are my true feelings? I guess only time will tell.