Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I'm wearing socks that are supposedly 8 times warmer than regular socks but my feet are still as cold as before. I guess 8 times 0 warmth is still 0 warmth. Or maybe I have some health issue.


Well-known member
I am binge-watching "Life Below Zero" about the different people who live in Alaska, some as much as 200 miles North of the Arctic Circle.

I lived in Alaska for less than a yr. It was a dream of mine to live remote but when we got there we didn't have the jobs promised and had to move back. It wasn't remote where we were either which was also a total let down.

These people are amazing how they live off the land in such a harsh climate. I would love the opportunity to learn the skills they have to survive like they do. They are happy, healthy and free of all of the crap the modern word dumps on you. One guy who is barley 30 lives alone, hunts for all of his food and doesn't care what time of day it is or day of the week. He spends all of his time in nature and is happy. It is really inspiring to see people like this. They are my heroes.


Well-known member
In the Warhammer 40k universe there are these people that are the polar opposite of psychics. They instead have a negative presence in The Warp and as a result unconsciously cause people to dislike them. People feel disgust in their company and often times the untouchable doesnt know whats wrong with them or why people act that way towards them. I swear sometimes I feel like I have that effect on most people after speaking with them just a few times. Im good at having online friendships, but anything that requires actual speaking or being around in person not so much. Once Im around people they suddenly dont want to be around anymore. My gf is the only one immune to this and Ive yet to figure out wtf Im doing.


Well-known member
I'm getting along well with the people in my groups for assignments and those who usually sit next to me in class. That's only 7 people but hey, it's good enough for me. This is the first time I didn't know anyone in my classes and so I didn't have anyone to introduce me to other people. Good to know I'm not as socially inept as I thought.


Well-known member
I must be a creep to this girl I keep seeing on public transport of my way to work... and would be gutted if she felt that rather than realise I'm shy and anxious and find her pretty..


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I must be a creep to this girl I keep seeing on public transport of my way to work... and would be gutted if she felt that rather than realise I'm shy and anxious and find her pretty..

Ain't it the truth. We're at our absolute worst when we need to be at our bests.

I would honestly whack the last fifteen years of my life off not to have social phobia.

Having social phobia isn't living, it's just existing.



Hie yer hence from me heath!
Dear British Telecom,

Superfast?! Pfft... Aye, sure it is - in Orkney.


Well-known member
I'm trying to be so positive. Of course thibgs are bothering me but one thing is that I hate that I ask my mother if she wanted that african grey macaw. Of course its only been a few weeks and she already sound lime she don't want it anymore. I wish I never asked if she wanted it knowing that she wouldnt keep it and she already keep the dogs outside. She only has them because she paid for the father....

Ugh. I wish to find a way to let this feeling go...


Well-known member
My school's website has this thing that produces a report summarizing your process toward graduation. It lists every class you've ever taken, every class you'll need to take, grades, etc. For the first time ever it now reads 100% complete. I'm off to the ceremony tomorrow.

I don't really feel anything.


Well-known member
Feeling awful, bit of anxiety in dealing with an annoying customer, and had a knock on effect in doing some tasks, then realised our work trash can has been stolen (why, oh, why would you nick it?!) and I'm not telling my colleagues yet as it'll be who has to arrange a new one and it's Friday and I cba... now I'm wasting my afternoon away looking at my old course students from university thinking why I'm doing this job (which isn't bad tbf) compared to them who are doing the jobs that their degree helped them to...

So yes, a mixture of random thoughts there! :sad:


Well-known member
At last the cable guys have been and gone. Took them about an hour to do their thing, with me just standing around nervous as hell the whole time. It freaks me out whenever anyone comes in here. It's even worse when I have no say in the matter. At times, I felt like an interloper in my own home, like this was their workplace and I had no business being here. Not my favorite hour ever.

At least they were reasonably nice and respectful, though one was obviously a heavy smoker and stank like Lucifer's own ashtray. It'll take a while for the smell to dissipate, it being a little too chilly to open the windows today, but the ordeal du jour is over, at least for now.

Now I just have to wait the rest of my life for the electricians to show up. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Well I think Im officially done. Im done chasing after someone that doesnt want much if anything more to do with me. Its been years of this cat and mouse game. Time for me to do something else with my life and time...