Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Do yours involve duckmen and and a violent candy factory infiltration?

No, that is weird indeed o_0

Mine involve people trying to kill me, monsters trying to kill me, aliens trying to kill me, escaping a POW camp, fighting a Russian commando on a submarine, T-Rex chasing me in the streets of my neighborhood and swimming in the ocean with Batman.
I know how you feel, pingu. I miss the way I used to be too. It seems like everything was fine when everybody was on an even keel at school/university. Now, mid-20s... I can't help but compare myself to everybody else and feel inferior. I'm nowhere near a relationship, let alone marriage, I haven't got a career sorted, I act like a child sometimes, and I feel like all my friends lead really great lives whereas I'm walking on sticky toffee. In the olden days I felt equal to others so I was more confident... chatty... funny, I'd always be making people laugh...
I think it would be great for you to go to dinner with your old friend. If I were you, I'd really try and be keen and try and arrange something. You may not be close friends anymore, but sometimes friendships can distance before coming together again. It sounds like a golden opportunity and may be what you need to go back to feeling like your old self again :)

thanks twiggle! and yeah, thats exactly how i feel. :( Its nice that you know how im feeling, even though its not a nice feeling to have. im really rubbish at communication, it didnt use to happen, but why im like this now and how i was before probably wouldnt make any different. the problem is what i am now. we just dont communicate on the same level anymore. shes too cool. so unlikely she enjoy my company, thats what i think. im bad at communicating, maybe in here i can think, but in person.. my convo tend to end with: Yeah, Okay. ::eek::

mostly because i isolated myself for several years away from friends, so i my communication skills went bad. but i think spw has helped!

Let's start things off with you are who and what you are and what you do.
Next, try not comparing the self to others. Just do what you do and try to enjoy it.
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Today, around 5pm, in the middle of 95 degrees and skin blistering sunshine, a freak thunderstorm comes out of nowhere with strong winds, sideways rain, dime sized hail, and random neighborly debris. I was not amused and neither were my dog and cat.

ETA: I'm really obsessive about organizing things. Right now I'm going through one of my Tumblr blogs that has over two thousand posts and I'm organizing the tags. I guess it's comforting to have some control over something.
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Well-known member
Today, around 5pm, in the middle of 95 degrees and skin blistering sunshine, a freak thunderstorm comes out of nowhere with strong winds, sideways rain, dime sized hail, and random neighborly debris. I was not amused and neither were my dog and cat.

ETA: I'm really obsessive about organizing things. Right now I'm going through one of my Tumblr blogs that has over two thousand posts and I'm organizing the tags. I guess it's comforting to have some control over something.

I wish that would happen here, it hasn't rained in 11 months.::(:


Well-known member
Id gone off to study for the night, but my stupidity prompted something funny so i thought i would post. I usually walk into walls and trip on flat surfaces but nothing too exreme ever happens.

......However 20 mins. ago I walk out my room into a dark halway turn to the stairs only to find the corner of the wall. i wasnt wearing my glasses...I just gave mself a small black eye. now who is going to believe that story. "i gave myself a black eye by walking into a wall-it was my fault i swear". Anyhow again off to study.


Well-known member
There is no spoon... or carrot peeler I guess.


plus I feel like Human being are not capable of comprehending the true sense of their reality... I also feel alone in this world. Completely. But thats okay... there is no spoon... right?


Well-known member
I hate this hot sunny weather its very depressing. I feel like I'm trapped even more in side my house when the weather is good.


Well-known member
I was just about to order something from Old Navy online... until I saw the shipping price. 7 dollars, seriously?! They can keep it. :rolleyes:
I'm making a plan. If I don't get the dream job I'm hoping to get in September, I'm going to do a TEFL and go travelling again. Its helpful making a plan, gives me a bit of hope, because I'm sick of feeling so sad at the moment from things related to the past. I have to move on.

Come here in your travels!

And take me with you!