Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I'm making a plan. If I don't get the dream job I'm hoping to get in September, I'm going to do a TEFL and go travelling again. Its helpful making a plan, gives me a bit of hope, because I'm sick of feeling so sad at the moment from things related to the past. I have to move on.
^ Traveling? Take me with you! :D


Well-known member
Money truly is the root of all evil. It ruins lives and threatens everyone's way of away with american currency!


Well-known member
Of course, Phoenixx! We can fly over from UK and pick you up :) Everybody come aboard the SPW Travel-Train!

In an idea world it'd be great if it were possible for many of us to meet and have a big adventure together.
^ Yay! I don't care where I'm going, I love traveling. :) I've never been on a plane before though... well, I was when I was an infant, but that doesn't count since I don't remember. :rolleyes: I'm willing to try and travel on a plane, but I can't say I'd enjoy it much.

I wish we could all meet and travel together too. That'd be so cool. It is possible, I suppose, but it would take a ton of planning and quite a bit of money.


^ Yay! I don't care where I'm going, I love traveling. :) I've never been on a plane before though... well, I was when I was an infant, but that doesn't count since I don't remember. :rolleyes: I'm willing to try and travel on a plane, but I can't say I'd enjoy it much.

I wish we could all meet and travel together too. That'd be so cool. It is possible, I suppose, but it would take a ton of planning and quite a bit of money.

Who needs plans? Everybody meet at Phoenixx's house tonight at 8!
People make the most boring threads :rolleyes:.

That doesn't mean they make the most boring threads in the sense that cats make boring pets. I didn't put people on a thread and hope they'd entertain me.



Well-known member
If you can't start a family of your own then might as well move on to the next big thing...wait what is the next big milestone?!
My internet just kinda stopped working about a week ago, so we changed internet company. Now internet is about 75% faster. :3

Hello, future! :D