Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Why does the opinion of someone who doesn't even know me seem to matter to me! :mad:

(Oh, and I was also pretty :mad: to read about what happened to Harvey. Hope he's OK, Pebbles. People should either learn to control their aggressive dogs, or keep them on a leash in public.)
I'm starting to think that I just this damn need for someone else's validation, because I like so much when some one quotes my posts and say something like "I really agree" or somewhat compliments what I wrote.


Well-known member
I'm starting to think that I just this damn need for someone else's validation, because I like so much when some one quotes my posts and say something like "I really agree" or somewhat compliments what I wrote.

I agree :D

Sometimes you feel like you're ignored or don't exist when ppl quote others or don't acknowledge something you wrote or expressed. But it's hard for ppl to respond to everyone. It's usually never because ppl just ignore or don't care. But we all need a sense of even beyond validation, just validation we exist, esp when we are impoverished socially IRL. =) We all want validation of ourselves by others.

And let's face it - if you know someone better, you're more likely to respond to what they say. But I totally get it I think everyone here's felt that way at some point.
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Well-known member
I'm starting to think that I just this damn need for someone else's validation, because I like so much when some one quotes my posts and say something like "I really agree" or somewhat compliments what I wrote.
I really agree

And not only to do what you want lol
Especially at the beginning I felt very happy (which now I see it's pretty sad >.<) the first time someone quoted one of my messages.
I guess I like to feel that someone thinks what I say is relevant, even if it's just a little bit.


Well-known member
Seeing all the anger in the crushes thread makes me sad.

Everybody is making assumptions based on preconceived notions of how people ought to be.

This is a site for social phobics - it ought to be a safe place to be ourselves, but there's just as much bitterness and jealousy here as anywhere else.


Well-known member
Seeing all the anger in the crushes thread makes me sad.

Everybody is making assumptions based on preconceived notions of how people ought to be.

This is a site for social phobics - it ought to be a safe place to be ourselves, but there's just as much bitterness and jealousy here as anywhere else.

It makes sense to me - everyone wound tight there, feel strongly as it feels personal. But it shouldn't be a place for making others feel bad; everyones entitled to their own opinions and crushes for whatever reasons.


Well-known member
i always manage to give myself a headache.. from the way i talk. i was reading one of my old good friends facebook, and im enjoying everything she says and the conversation she has with her friends, she hasnt changed. still the same girl i knew from school. its pitty i changed, i dont fit in anymore.

no one who i was once close to would be close to me again. it just wouldnt happen.. because im not that person they once knew. i am just not their kind anymore and its sad.
I don't know how you used to be, but i do know how you are now. I'm glad you've changed if it means you are the person I know now :)

I personally think that a little change since school is not bad anyway, it's called maturity ;)

And for what I see you have not even made a move, you don't know how they would react if they knew how you are know.


Well-known member
A crush is just a crush. It's not being in love with that person because you don't know that person.

YOU'RE WRONG! I love my crush and my crush loves ME! *hugs pillow with printed picture of crush the pillow sheet cover*

No... =) I agree, tho some ppl can feel "stronger" over a crush, because they have nothing else in RL. Not like stalking at all, just what feels deeper because of lack of anything else that's "real". If makes sense. My thoughts aren't coalescing well tonight. I think that's why some ppl can be more negatively reactive. Sometimes.


Well-known member
Whelp, passed up for another guy again. On an unrelated note though, thanks to the crush thread Alizee is stuck in my head. XD
I played LOTRO today. I was having fun, and then the bastard swine that is SA crept in. I had a mini panic attack because someone requested me to join their fellowship, which was too social for me ::(:


Had a crazy effing dream last night. Off the wall crazy. Like some psychedelic ****. haha